Page 3 - ProductCatalogue
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 TABLEWARE  From the Desk of Chairman                                                                              Catalogue 2018

 WOODEN PRODUCTS  "Trust is the key to success and leadership"

 PAPER PRODUCTS  Falcon Pack, the house hold name in the field of Packaging Material for food serving, storage and disposal is continuously
           striving to offer a comprehensive range of products. The journey that started 25 years ago has been successful because of our
 AIRLINE PRODUCTS  commitment to environment protection, quality, hygiene and food safety, customer centric approach, continuous improve-
           ment in our process and product range, increasing quest of being in hearts of our customers and meet the statutory and
 BAKING AND   international requirements.

 CAKE DECORATIONS  The strategies of Falcon Pack are based on its vision to be a Regional Leader and Global Player in providing Complete
           Disposable Solutions for Food Packaging to Food Service and Household consumers. This vision is built on the foundation of
           uncompromising principles of
 PLASTIC BAGS    Quality                 Best in its class of products and services

 HYGIENE AND   Reliability             Integrated Purchase, Stores and sales operation ensuring on time delivery
           Value                   Expertise, Efficiencies and Economics drive the competitive value of our products
           The fierce competition, consumer's demand, suggestions and feedback, constraints on availability of vital resources, ever
           improving standards etc. has further encouraged us to change and adopt technologies which can help us serve our customers
 Glossary of Symbols  with best products and services at least cost. The initiatives of Falcon Pack to have its branches in Kuwait, KSA, Oman and
           other countries, expand its production and warehousing facilities to new premises in Sharjah, RAK and UAQ, add new
           state-of-art production lines, continuously train and develop its human capital, improve its procedures and process etc. are
           giving the desired results.
           The efforts of Falcon Pack are recognized by ever increasing consumer base. The other awards are:
 Dimension Top  •      Falcon Pack is the first organization (in the product category) in UAE to get the Product Certification
                   from Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA). The Emirates Quality Mark (EQM)
 Dimension Bottom          confirms that the manufactured products are meeting the requirements of Quality, Food Safety and
                   Other Aspects.
 Height - Inner
           •      ESMA has certified the Plastic Products (PP and PE) with ECAS, thereby confirming that these products
                   are Oxo-biodegradable.
 Height - Outer
           •      The Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry awarded  Falcon Pack with Sharjah Economic
 Height and Width          Excellence Award for the year 2009 in the Large Firm Category - Manufacturing Sector.
           •      TUV Nord GmbH Germany has certified the Integrated Management System of Falcon Pack with
 Ø  Diameter          ISO 9001:2008 for Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001:2004 for Environment Management
                   Systems and ISO 22000:2005 for Food Safety Management Systems (based on HACCP Principles).

 Food Grade  Respecting the UAE government's decision and honoring its commitment towards society Falcon Pack is making all sincere
           efforts to ensure energy conservation, pollution free manufacturing, offering Oxo-biodegradable products and undertaking
 Recycle   waste management etc.

 Keep Tidy  The integrated process including the results of the efforts for ensuring quality and food safety, timely delivery at door steps,
           replacements for specific reasons, development of products as per customer’s needs etc. are giving due value addition to the
 Keep Dry  esteemed customers of Falcon Pack.

 Stacking  The ever increasing range of products and services offered by Falcon Pack can't be wrapped in this product profile being
           presented to you. Yet, this is an attempt to showcase our products, which are both off-the shelf and/or customized, to meet
           the requirements of all our business partners.
           We thank you all for your trust in us and look forward for your continuous support and feedback to help us improve our
 3. Customers should check for changes, if any, while placing orders  product and services.
 4. Illustration of product use is for Marketing  purpose only
 Copyright Reserved by:
 Falconpack   Ahmed AI Shamsi
 2018-2019  CA  Chairman
 Published by:
 PO BOX: 5852, Sharjah, UAE
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