Page 35 - Read The Found Prints Fingerprint Analysys
P. 35



             USING THIS KIT IN THE MOCK TRIAL                    results as an exercise in fingerprint analysis. If
             Read the Found Prints contains information that     other exercises were performed, a mock trial can
             could have placed Lyle or Louise Mondelo, or John   help students take all of the evidence presented
             Wayne Gretzky, at the office for the Tumbling Water   in the investigation and available from other kits
             Land Development Co. The evidence collected in      into account and provide a more interesting and
             this lab cannot prove conclusively that any specific   thorough trial. Information on running a mock trial
             person was or was not present at the scene and      follows.
             cannot attest to the actions of that person. If
             everything in the lab was performed correctly you
             should have obtained the following information:     BEFORE THE TRIAL
                                                                 If a more thorough social studies activity is
                                                                 desired, students may be instructed to read
                A fingerprint was found on the safe in the      through the procedures for trial of criminal cases
                  TWLDC office that does not match any of        and the simplified rules of evidence. Additionally,
                  the prints on the 10-print cards for Lyle,     lessons designed to familiarize students with the
                  Louise, or John.                               court system and judicial procedure may prove
                This evidence does not prove that John          beneficial.
                  was not present in the office, but the print
                  is not a close enough match to confirm
                  that he was the person who deposited the       BRAINSTORMING
                  print onto the safe. A hypothesis may be       Using the story and module evidence, list the facts
                  formed about who performed the crime,          of the case on the board.
                  but it was not Lyle, Louise, or John.
                                                                 Determine, as a class, who should be charged for
                                                                 each crime.
             If Fingerprint Analysis is the only kit done in
             the Mystery of Lyle and Louise, a mock trial is     Put students into brainstorming groups. Give all
             unlikely to be useful, since prosecution has little   groups five to ten minutes to develop hypotheses
             evidence to try a suspect. Instead, leave the       for each of the following:

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