Page 4 - The Shoe Must Fit Footprint Analysys
P. 4

Introduction to

             The Shoe Must Fit

                      elcome to The Shoe Must Fit, a footprints   shoe prints. After learning about wear patterns,
                      analysis lab in the Mystery of Lyle and    class and individual characteristics, and other shoe
             WLouise. A brutal murder case is unfolding          print analysis techniques, students will examine the
             in a small Appalachian town. Already the case       shoe prints discovered at the crime scene.
             spans two crime scenes and five people are dead.
             When investigators discovered the second crime      Students will then measure and analyze the
             scene—a small cabin with two victims of a brutal    evidence casting from the cabin, determine if the
             double homicide—they discovered a partial bloody    shoe prints from inside and outside of the cabin
             shoe print in the kitchen. In their examination of the   are consistent with the same shoe, and develop a
             outside of the cabin, officers found tire tracks in the   hypothesis about the identity of the criminal(s).
             dried mud with a shoe print pressed into the nearby
             dirt.                                               Once the lab results have been analyzed, students
                                                                 may conduct a mock trial to hold a suspect
             In this lab, students will examine the relationship   accountable for their actions.
             between foot length and height and will utilize this
             relationship to predict height based on foot length.   Teacher’s notes can be found at the beginning of
             Students will then take castings of their own shoes,   the manual and copies may be freely made of all
             examine them, and develop a method for analyzing    materials for your students.

              4     THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE
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