Page 16 - Natures Witness Entomology
P. 16


             ACCUMULATED DEGREE HOURS (ADH): a given             occur in changed body proportions or increase or
             amount of thermal energy needed to develop from     decrease in the number of body segments
             one stage of an insect life cycle to the next

                                                                 LARVAE: the newly hatched, earliest stages
             AMBIENT TEMPERATURE: temperature of                 of insects and other animals that undergo
             surrounding air
                                                                 metamorphosis, differing markedly in form and
                                                                 appearance from the adult
             CARRION: dead and putrefying flesh.; rottenness;
             anything vile
                                                                 LIVIDITY: the process by which blood settles

             EXTANT: in existence; still existing; not destroyed   to the lowest parts of a cadaver, causing a deep
             or lost                                             purple discoloration of the skin which can resemble
                                                                 bruises; lividity occurs within 2-4 hours and
             EXTRAPOLATE: to infer (an unknown) from             becomes “fixed” within 8-12 hours after death
             something that is known; conjecture
                                                                 OVIPOSITION: to deposit or lay eggs
             FAUNA: the animals of a given region or period,
             considered as a whole
                                                                 PALLOR: unusual or extreme paleness
             FLACCIDITY: soft and limp; not firm; flabby
                                                                 POST MORTEM INTERVAL (PMI): time since

             INTEGUMENT: a natural covering, as a skin, shell,   death
             or rind
                                                                 RIGOR MORTIS: the stiffening of the body after
             INSTAR: a stage of an insect or other arthropod     death, usually from 4 to 12 hours after death and
             between molts; differences between instars may      lasting 1 to 4 days

              16    THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE
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