Page 22 - Patterns of Murder Blood Spatter
P. 22



               Background                                         Procedure

             1.  What is the first step in characterizing a     6.  At what angles and heights will you drop
                 bloodstain pattern?                                blood? How many sheets of drops will you
                  ..............................................................................    have at the end?
                  ..............................................................................      ..............................................................................

             2.  What does a medium-velocity blood stain
                 look like?                                     7.  When measuring the width and length of
                  ..............................................................................    blood droplet, which will be longer?
                  ..............................................................................      ..............................................................................

             3.  What type of objects might cause wounds
                 with low, medium, and high impact patterns?    8.  When stringing a crime scene or crime scene
                  ..............................................................................    model, what does the string’s intersection
                  ..............................................................................  indicate?
             4.  In Blood Stain Pattern Analysis, what is
                 indicated by a void?
                  ..............................................................................    9.  Why is it, or is it not, important to know the
                  ..............................................................................  scale of the crime scene photos?
             5.  If you were studying a bloodstain on a flat
                 surface, what are the shapes of droplets you
                 will observe? What do they indicate?

              22    THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE
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