Page 30 - Patterns of Murder Blood Spatter
P. 30



             USING THIS KIT IN THE MOCK TRIAL                    useful, as prosecution has no evidence to try a
             Patterns of Murder contains information regarding   suspect. Instead, leave the results as an exercise
             the attack on the two victims found at the fishing   in blood spatter analysis. If other exercises were
             cabin. The evidence collected in this lab cannot    performed, a mock trial can help students take all
             prove conclusively that a specific person performed   of the evidence presented in the investigation and
             these violent acts, however this lab does provide   available from other kits into account and provide a
             details about what occurred during the attack. If   more interesting and thorough trial. Information on
             everything in the lab was performed correctly you   running a mock trial follows.
             should have obtained the following information:

                                                                 BEFORE THE TRIAL
                The male victim was discovered near             If a more thorough social studies activity is
                  mediumvelocity spatter suggesting a            desired, students may be instructed to read through
                  hand-held weapon. Low-velocity spatter         the procedures for trial of criminal cases and the
                  was found near the female victim, as was       simplified  rules of evidence. Additionally, lessons
                  a piece of slightly bloodied firewood.         designed to familiarize students with the court
                A bloody object was carried across the          system and judicial procedure may prove beneficial.
                  room between the male and female victim
                  at a height of approximately 100 cm (3 ft).
                The male victim was attacked at least           BRAINSTORMING
                  once while standing, and at least once         Using the story and module evidence, list the facts of
                  while lying on the ground.                     the case on the board.
                No blood spatter was found resulting from
                  the firewood used as a weapon suggesting       Determine, as a class, who should be charged for
                  that only one blow was made.                   each crime.

                                                                 Put students into brainstorming groups. Give all
             If Blood Spatter is the only kit done in the Mystery   groups five to ten minutes to develop hypotheses
             of Lyle and Louise, a mock trial is unlikely to be   for each of the following:

              30    THE MYSTERY OF LYLE AND LOUISE
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