Page 16 - KFTL Report
P. 16

                    KFTL DUE DILIGENCE – Kingston, Jamaica
a) As can be seen in the table above, nine (9) SC have achieved between 50,000 and 60,000 operating hours.
b) A further seven (7) units have achieved between 40,000 and 50,000 operating hours.
c) SC life is generally accepted to be around 50,000 hours, with a well-planned major overall including engines replacement at half-life around 25,000 hours.
d) KFTL has ordered, eight (8) new units which are due for delivery in May 2018, thus allowing the retirement of the eight worst condition units in the older batch of the fleet.
e) Consideration should therefore be given to start financially planning for the acquisition of eight more units towards the beginning of 2019.
f) The table below show a snap shot of the availability of SC, in this case for 09 March 2018; the situation shown in the table is in reality the SC availability position with which the terminal is confronted daily.
g) Whilst the Engineering Manager has made good sound improvements over the last few months in addressing some of the reliability, hence availability issues, the situation will not be fully corrected until the shortcomings related to the spare parts management are resolved.
                    Waiting for Parts
SC POSITION - 09 March 2019
52.6%             Waiting For Parts
   Total SC 65
       Avail 09/03/2018 Out of Service
46 70.8% 19 29.2%
Long Term
Corrective Waiting for Parts Accident
Re-certification (Annual)
15.8% #107 5.3% #85 42.1% #71 21.1% #74 15.8% #64
#122 #142
#93 #98
#81 #118 #126 #65 #82
Since 19/02/2018
#78 #76 #123
                              #99 #94
                                   New - due May 2018
 TotalOut 5 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 19
to replace 8 older units
                                                 TRENT ASSOCIATES

   14   15   16   17   18