Page 27 - KFTL Report
P. 27
KFTL DUE DILIGENCE – Kingston, Jamaica
This serious incident alone, coupled with the fact that a number of Boom ropes on KFTL cranes are 16 years old (dealt with below), could have ended in a catastrophic event.
7.2.2 Air Conditioning
a) The QC AC systems have been a source of problems for KFTL in recent times. Consistent failures of AC’s have caused over- heating and failures of the drives. A potential fire-hazard.
b) It is Trent’s understanding the facilities department maintain the crane AC systems, but we were unable to establish during our due diligence whether the failures are due to poor AC design in crane or maintenance related issues, or obsolete/parts issues or a combination of all 3!
c) Trent does understand that a number of AC units have been order (approx. 10) and are awaiting delivery to KFTL. This however, will not address whether the AC system is appropriately designed for the cranes and climate or whether the KFTL maintenance program and AC training aligns fully with what’s required.
7.2.3 Spreader Cable Reel
a) Current units are causing problems, mainly down to obsolete PLC that controls spreader cable reel function