Page 29 - KFTL Report
P. 29

 KFTL DUE DILIGENCE – Kingston, Jamaica
c) Hardwire bypasses present the most danger to a terminal, on the basis the bypasses made in the PLC, are visible and thus to an extent can be seen and controlled by other technicians who may have controlled access to the crane PLC.
d) KFTL has no procedures documenting these events, and as such numerous uncontrolled hard wire bypasses were witnessed and evident to the Trent team.
e) The hidden danger to KFTL throughout all cranes is significant.
7.2.8 Structures
a) There is no formal structural maintenance/inspection program at KFTL.
b) There are 2 local Jamaican inspections required – 1) an annual inspection by the inspection authority responsible for power utilities etc. and 2) a local contractor inspecting the QC every 2 years.
c) Both lack depth in their inspections, with the 2 yearly one being advised as more of a ‘paper exercise’
d) This lack of clarity, and lack of a focused structural maintenance program, does leave KFTL vulnerable to ‘not knowing’ where the cranes are in their design life nor the exact condition and structural integrity of all aspects of every joint on every crane.
e) It is Trent’s recommendation that KFTL, gives serious consideration in installing a ‘life cycle management’ solution called Digilife, designed specifically for managing the fatigue ageing process on a crane structure, by recording of damage accumulation indicators. The system issues the fatigue index of cranes as well as their movements: the follow up of these factors in time is a very useful managing tool for terminal management.
7.2.9 Elevators
a) Reliability and condition of certain elevators in KFTL is poor.
b) Some elevators are obsolete; thus, support of certain components is proving very difficult.
c) Trent witnessed elevators not operational during crane inspections, and condition of some was poor to dangerous. On one crane the elevator door was able to be opened during the up cycle in mid-air, presenting a real and present fatality potential.
d) Trent was also advised that this does cause problems for operations and delays vessel operations, although the exact delay was not able to be quantified during the discussions.
7.2.10 TLS
a) The Trim-List-Skew system was not working on some cranes.
b) The TLS system is located at the tip of the boom.
c) The encoder position is unusual and unlikely to provide sound positioning of the drives.
d) The adjacent photo shows the state of corrosion of the main hoist wire rope passing through the cranes TLS function.

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