Page 44 - KFTL Report
P. 44

 KFTL DUE DILIGENCE – Kingston, Jamaica
11 Statement of Maintenance Organisation
11.1 General
Trent was provided with and therefore sighted two (2) maintenance organisation structure as follows:
• Word document entitled - Engineering Org Chart 02.18 dated January 2018, showing 197 headcounts.
• Excel document entitled - Labour Structure - V2, showing 170 headcount.
It is believed that the figure of 197 is the budgeted number, and 170 is the actual number today.
11.2 Measuring Activities
KFTL does not define maintenance/repair activity times/estimates and does not measure technician times on jobs. It was therefore impossible for Trent to understand time taken for any job performed in KFTL be it a planned maintenance, breakdown and/or repair.
11.3 KFTL Organisational Comments
It is not entirely clear from both of the documents mentioned above, what the white to blue collar ratios are, but from our week in KFTL, it would appear to be almost 50-50.
This needs to be properly confirmed, but the target ratio in-line with ‘better practices’ should be in the region of 20-80 in favour of the blue-collar workers.
Trent’s original intention was to use its own Engineering Labour Model (ELM) and input KFTL operational data, maintenance personnel, then current task times per asset per annum and the average % of Corrective and Breakdown work being performed on each asset type.
In reality Trent was unable to obtain all operational, personnel and asset utilisation data required to create a realistic KFTL organisation model.
As KFTL do not measure any task times, nor the number of all breakdowns and little to nothing of corrective repairs, it was a near impossible task for us to map as-is today and run a model to compare a future state KFTL could aspire to.
The recently created ERT is a by-product of what is happening today in KFTL, and the continuous deterioration of the equipment operating there. ERT further ‘blurs’ what is seen as a breakdown vs corrective maintenance, and from what Trent was able to understand, was that KFTL are basically doing either ‘planned maintenance’ or ‘breakdowns’, with little clarity around proper corrective repairs emanating from planned maintenance/inspections.
11.4 Kingston Planning & Performance Office (KPPO)
The current engineering planning is focused on planned maintenance only. There is no discernible planning related to corrective repairs, and none for breakdown repairs as this appears to be managed in isolation by ERT. This lack of visibility, data and information is a real impediment o KFTL engineering being able to move forward with any purpose.
It also allows for a visible disconnect to become apparent between planning and control centrally, and actual activities/ communications at the site level, further exacerbating frustrations and data/ information issues that are now so prevalent throughout KFTL.

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