Page 45 - KFTL Report
P. 45

 Total KFTL Engineering Dept Target Headcount – 93 Equipment White to Blue Collar Ratio – 20%
[Based on TEU 1.2M and can grow to TEU 2.0M]
Responsible for Overall Section
Planning & Control
Reliability & Technical Quality
Leading Hand
Technical Execution
Reliability Engineer x 1
Shift Supervisors x 3
Mechanical Techs x 8
Electrical Techs x 5
Structural Techs x 2
White Collar Staff – 5 Technical Staff – 18
Reliability Engineer x 1
Shift Supervisors x 3
Mechanical Techs x 16
Electrical Techs x 6
Tyreman x 2 Welder x 2 Electronic Repairs x 2
• White Collar Staff – 3 • Technical Staff – 31
Day Supervisor x 1
Electricians x 2 Plumber x 1
HV Specialist x 1 Line Painters x 2 AC Technician x2 General Handyman x 1
• White Collar Staff – 2 • Technical Staff – 10
Data Analyst x 1 CHAMPS Superuser x 1
• •
• Planning & Quality – 10 • Inventory & Proc. – 12
KFTL DUE DILIGENCE – Kingston, Jamaica
11.5 Better Practice Organisational target
Given all the above, the only option for Trent to assist KFTL, was to use our global data set and experiences from other terminals, including Straddle Carrier/Transhipment terminals, and put together a better practice model that KFTL could work towards.
The model was based on a TEU 1.2M with potential to move to TEU 1.5M volume.
The operational data regarding utilisation, moves per hour was taken from relatively efficient terminals using a QC and Straddle mode of operation.
Maintenance task times were also taken using a ‘middle of the road’ efficient terminal.
We have allowed for some ‘fat’, so this would not represent absolute ‘better practices’, but the outcome will provide some insights as to other terminals and can be part of a roadmap over the next say 3-4 years to move KFTL from its current 197 (or 170) engineering workforce, to say a highly efficient, well developed, well trained 90+ workforce.
The illustration below is the output from Trent’s ELM model.
Note: The white to blue collar ratio defined in table below – does not take in to account the Planning & Inventory section at this time.

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