Page 47 - KFTL Report
P. 47

 KFTL DUE DILIGENCE – Kingston, Jamaica
12 Statement of Competency & Skills
12.1 General
KFTL has begun its journey to develop a more comprehensive competency and skills program that positively aligns with the assets and business goals.
12.2 Global Standard - Competency & Skills
Trent believes KFTL will greatly benefit from adopting an internationally recognised standard for Competency and Skills (C&S) – made more port centric – that can be applied to the whole business.
A comprehensive and well-developed C&S framework and standard should ideally consist of and address the following:
a) Development of competencies that deal with both policy and more strategically related matters - as well as the blue collar and more tactical aspects of the terminal business.
b) Skills will be aligned with more product-based items/ solutions used at the terminal.
c) The above C&S framework that is fully aligned and mapped to the asset needs (an asset being things such as Cranes, Straddles, Facilities, Quayside, IT, Computers, People etc).
d) If the terminals assets are properly aligned to serve the business needs of the terminal – then delivery of the KFTL C&S framework – will ensure maximum benefit and impact, terminal wide.
e) Defined gap analysis program – to assess gaps between employee and the role requirements as defined within the C&S framework.
f) A gap analysis program that can assess and deal with the requirements of;
i. Company values
ii. Technical competencies
iii. Product skills
iv. Experience not just qualifications
v. Practical – On the Job assessments
g) Gap analysis outcomes linked to specific training and development of individuals in- line with the needs of assets.
h) Training programs that can be measured in terms of asset related performance improvements (operational, financial etc).
Such an approach will better assist and manage expectations of people within KFTL and prevent requests for training and development that does not best service KFTL needs and business goals.
Such an approach will also greatly assist the KFTL ‘on-boarding’ process from Senior Management to blue collar operators – and ensure gaps (if any) are clearly understand and whether the person being recruited is in fact the most suited for the role in question.
This would also greatly assist in reducing the very high level of turn over (25%) of trained engineers, experienced recently in the Technical Department.

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