Page 6 - KFTL Report
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 KFTL DUE DILIGENCE – Kingston, Jamaica
2.2 Objective
The Objective of this Due Diligence Report is to assess general condition of equipment, maintenance practices, inventory, procurement and IT systems within the maintenance and engineering functions.
The Terminal Management is concerned with the performance of the Quay Cranes, Trent concentrated on these as an item of priority.
2.3 Site Visit
The Trent due diligence visit was executed between 5th – 10th March 2018, inclusive. The Trent team liaised and obtained data and other information from KFTL’s Technical Director prior to arrival on-site in order to prepare and maximise time and value on site.
The team members completed inspections of all accessible areas of the port and photographic records were also made.
The following individuals formed the due diligence team:
      Trent Team
   Jon Arnup, Eddie Atichian, and Mike Chong
      KFTL Northport Representative
      Cedric Demares

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