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The ISWA Communication Award 2019
             For ‘Wanted for Justice’ Campaign

             The ‘Wanted for Justice’ Campaign was launched      The campaign collaborated with photographers, who
             as a national campaign in the beginning             demonstrated how much time and effort they have
             of 2019 as part of the ‘Oman Deserves It’           to spend Photoshopping scenery images to ‘remove’
             initiative that addresses littering in public and   litter from them. These photographers shared original
             tourist areas by referring to those who litter as   images along with the Photoshopped ones with their
             criminals, and the act of littering as a crime.     followers, voicing out their concerns and frustration
                                                                 on public littering and its effects on the environment.
             be’ah strongly believes that environmental laws
             should have the desired effect and hence wished     The shared images kept flowing and be’ah
             to steer people’s attention to the littering issue   supported their efforts with a 360-degree
             by making society embrace change in behaviour,      campaign encouraging people to use this
             highlighting social repercussions for those who     ‘realistic’ representation of the issue and
             disposed waste randomly, educating the public       to point a finger at those who litter.
             about laws against littering and encouraging them to
             adhere to these laws.

             This approach, we believe, can ensure that action will
             be taken not just by stakeholders, but also individuals,
             especially the younger generation and educated
             members of society.

             Middle East Waste
             and Recycling Award 2019

             Best Medical Waste Treatment Practices’

             be’ah has embarked upon a journey to ensure safe    located across the Sultanate, be’ah treats 99.9% of
             healthcare waste treatment practices in Oman.       the healthcare waste generated in the Sultanate
             With three healthcare waste treatment facilities    in the safest and most efficient manner.

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