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our PartnerS

            VITO                                                 ISWA

            VITO is an independent Flemish research              The International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) is
            organization based in Belgium, working in the        a non-governmental, non-profit, and professional
            area of clean tech and sustainable development.      association by statutes and its mission is to promote
            At VITO, sustainability is the norm. VITO is working   and develop professional waste management
            on global projects to promote the transition to      worldwide as a contribution to sustainable
            sustainability. It creates innovative technological   development.
            solutions and actively shares its knowledge
            with businesses and government bodies.               Engaging with international organizations such as
                                                                 ISWA provides be’ah a platform to share experiences,
            G-STIC (The Global Sustainable Technology &          opportunities, and challenges regarding the
            Innovation Conference) is a conference organized     waste management sector and to showcase its
            by VITO and 7 independent not-for profit research    accomplishments at an international level.
            and technology organizations to discuss innovating
            technological solutions with the aim of achieving    In 2018, be’ah became a national member of
            the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).            ISWA. Through ISWA, be’ah can present Oman’s
                                                                 experience in waste management to a broad and
                                                                 experienced international audience, which in return
                                                                 will position the Sultanate as one of the leaders in
                                                                 the waste management sector. be’ah has won the
                                                                 rights to organize their World Congress 2023.

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