Page 55 - be'ah_Annual report 2019-Final2_Neat
P. 55

Integrated Hazardous Waste
             Handling and Treatment Facility
             in North Batinah

             This facility will consist of an incineration plant, a   This facility is designed to treat oil and
             physical and chemical treatment unit, a solidification   chemical waste. The project’s timeline has
             unit, 3 types of landfills to cater to different    been envisaged in a way that the operations
             requirements, and pre-treatment and storage units.   are rolled out in a phased manner.

             Hazardous Waste Handling
             Facility in Duqm:

             Together with the Special Economic Zone             The facility also includes a storage and handling area
             Authority of Duqm (SEZAD), be’ah has finished       for industrial organic waste destined for incineration
             work on a hazardous waste landfill as well as       and industrial waste needing further treatment
             a storage facility in Duqm.                         before landfill disposal. The facility began operations
                                                                 in mid-2019.
              The waste handling facility is designed for both,
             municipal and industrial waste. The landfill can accept   Studies are also under way to assess the
             inorganic industrial waste with the highest values   requirements in Dhofar and of the oil fields to find
             defined in the landfill acceptance criteria.        a sustainable solution for the waste generated.

             Current Status of the Integrated Hazardous Waste
             Handling and Treatment Facility

               500,000 m 3          400,000 m 3          400,000 m 3

               Engineered          Engineered           Engineered       Storage areas      Solidification plant
               landfill            landfill             landfill
               For non leaching    For moderate         Secure landfill for  Operational    Ongoing as
               waste               leaching waste       waste with high                     per plan
                                                        leaching potential

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