Page 132 - Vacancies in the Public Service circular 41 2019 15 November
P. 132

PLUS At least 6 years’ experience after registration with HPCSA as a Medical
                                            Practitioner.  It  would  be  required  of  the  successful  candidate  to  sign  a
                                            performance agreement. Non- South African citizens who are not permanent
                                            residents  will  be  considered  for  an  annual  renewable  contract  and  will  be
                                            responsible  for  providing  proof  of  verification  of  qualifications.  Unendorsed
                                            valid  Code  B  driver’s  license  (code  08).  Competencies:  Knowledge:  Own
                                            clinical  discipline.  Relevant  legislation,  regulations  and  policies.  Quality
                                            assurance  and  improvement  programmes.  Programme  planning,  and
                                            evaluation.  Information  management,  Human  resources  and  financial
                                            management. Skills: Leadership. Communication, Problem solving, Computer
                                            literacy, Behavioural Attributes: Stress tolerance. Self-confidence. Objective.
                                            Ethical. Emphatic.
               DUTIES                 :     General: Represent own specialist discipline as a member of a District Clinical
                                            Specialist Team responsible for the delivery of quality health care for mothers,
                                            new-borns and children at all levels within a health district. Promote equitable
                                            access to an appropriate level of care for all mothers, new-borns and children
                                            throughout the district. Maintain personal competency in own clinical discipline
                                            whilst ensuring that no more than 10-20% of time is spent on clinical care at
                                            the regional or tertiary hospitals is optional. Support Service Delivery: Support
                                            clinics,  community  health  centres  and  district  hospitals  with  all  aspects  of
                                            service  delivery  related  to  own  specialist  discipline.  Promote  clinical
                                            effectiveness  in  all  facilities  through  supporting  outreach  programmes  and
                                            development,  dissemination  or  implementation  of  clinical  protocols  and
                                            standard treatment guidelines. Provide Education and Training: Facilitate and
                                            participate in the development, training and mentorship under post-graduate
                                            medical, nursing and allied health professionals; this may require involvement
                                            with local academic training institutions. Support Health Systems and Logistics:
                                            Work with the district management team to establish and maintain systems
                                            including  surveillance,  health  information,  communication  and  referral
                                            guidelines and processes to support the delivery of services. Provide support
                                            to ensure appropriate infrastructure, equipment, resources and sundries for the
                                            provision  of  quality  clinical  care.  Monitor  and  Evaluate  Services:  Initiate,
                                            support and participate in risk management activities for patients (e.g. critical
                                            event  analysis,  morbidity  and  mortality  meeting)  practitioner  (e.g.  infection
                                            control) and the organisation (e.g. performance reviews). Initiate, support and
                                            participate in the clinical audits and quality improvement  cycles.  Implement
                                            effective  monitoring  and  evaluation  processes,  effective  use  of  data  and
                                            appropriate  reporting  on  outputs  and  health  outcomes.  Initiate  support  and
                                            participation  in  relevant  research:  this  may  require  involvement  with  local
                                            academic  training  institutions.  Collaborate,  Communicate  and  Report
                                            Effectively:  Foster  effective  teamwork  and  collaborate  within  the  district
                                            Specialist team. Enable engagement with the local community and relevant
                                            non-government organisations. Facilitate and ensure effective communication
                                            with  all  management  structures  within  the  district,  the  regional  and  tertiary
                                            hospitals as relevant as well as the provincial Department of Health. Present
                                            regular  reports  on  activities,  health  services  and  programmes.  Support
                                            Organisational  Activities:  Assist  with  strategic  and  operational  planning  of
                                            services in the district and/ or catchment area of the regional. Assist with the
                                            co-ordination and supervision of discipline related services within the district.
                                            Assist with the recruitment and management of relevant human resources.
               ENQUIRIES              :     All enquiries must be directed to Mrs. GLL Zuma: District Director Tel No: (039)
                                            834 8200.
               APPLICATIONS           :     Applications must be directed to: Att Mr. ZN Dotyeni, Assistant Director: HRM,
                                            Harry Gwala Health District Office,  Private Bag x502,  Ixopo, 3276  or  Hand
                                            delivers to: 111 Main Street, Ixopo under KFC building, Room 99, District office.
               NOTE                   :     An application for employment form (Z83) must be completed and forwarded.
                                            This is obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the website
                                    Certified  copies  of  ID  documents,    educational
                                            qualifications, certificates of service and professional registration certificates
                                            (not  copies  of  certified  copies)  and  proof  of  current  registration  must  be
                                            submitted  together  with  your  CV.  Original  signed  letter  from  your  current
                                            employer, confirming current and appropriate work experience related to the
                                            requirements and recommendations of the advert. This Department is an equal
                                            opportunity, affirmative action employer whose aim is to promote candidates
                                            representativity at all occupational categories in the department. People with
                                            disabilities are encouraged to apply. The reference number must be indicated
                                            in the column provided on the form Z83, e.g. ref HGHD 11/2019. Please note

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