P. 453

strengthen national unity. Fostering
 religious harmony has thus been
 one of the main reasons behind the
 establishment of the Ministry of Religious
 Affairs. While the MUI is a non-
 government community channel it is also
 the government’s advisor on religious
 affairs. Unfortunately, in some cases,
 both institutions donot guard harmony
 but rather trigger inter-religious problems.
 The Ministry of Religious Affairs, for
 example, was unable to meet human
 rights activists’view that PNPS Law was
 an aperture for the rise of intolerance
 against religious minorities. In its turn,
 the MUI has become one of the vehicles
 for radical-fundamental Islamist groups
 and is thus seen to condone their beliefs
 that often conflict with the Pancasila and
 the 1945 Constitution. In the case of the
 Ahmadiyah, to be more specific, the MUI
 fatwas and the joined decree signed by
 among others the Ministry of Religious
 Affairs do not solve religious harmony
 issues but rather instigate intolerance,
 acts of vigilantism, and even murder
 committed by religious majority groups
 and thus are clearly contrary to efforts for
 the development of religious harmony.

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