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in Aceh and Sultan Iskandar Thani       going on in another part of the Islamic               Raniri said that Hamzah’s teachings were   written between 1641 and 1644. It states,
                                   (1636-1641) immediately appointed       world (India) were also reflected in the              apostate and heretical, fallacious and   “when Syamsuddin al-Sumatrani’s
                                   him as his trusted scholar. He also     archipelago. What is clear is that al-                cursed. “The heretical wujudiyah said   students’ heretic, apostate group of the
                                   very quickly attacked Hamzah Fansuri    Raniri’s intolerance ---burning Hamzah                that existence is one; this is the existence   wujudiyah came up it was deviant... and
                                   and Syamsuddin as-Sumatrani’s Sufi      and Syamsuddin’s books as well as                     of Allah, the nature is Divine and God   the sifat’ul qulub?” 42
                                   teachings which he accused of being     prosecuting their followers--- led Mulla              is the universe--- that is the saying and   Al-Raniri’s attack against Hamzah
                                   examples of misguided wujudiyah         Ibrahim (from Medina) to issue a fatwa                belief of a real infidel.” Al-Raniri equated   Fansuri and Syamsuddin al-Sumatrani’s
                                   dhalalah (deviating existentialism),    reprimanding al-Raniri harsh ways of                  these teaching with those of the nasara,   teachings failed to do away with their
                                   “apostate” (mulhid) and “heretic” (zindiq).   operation.  Moreover, no real debate            (Christians), “it is said that Jesus is   influential Sufi ways of thinking. Indeed,
                                   Al-Raniri’s onslaught was part of his   could take place as al-Raniri attacked the            God”. Furthermore, he said, “Whoever   this is also one aspect of the history
                                   attempt to expand his own influence     wujudiyah teachings when Hamzah and                   wanted to interpret that God is nature   of religious thought: the success of a
                                   within the palace, or perhaps they were   Syamsuddin had already passed away. 37              and that nature is Divine... and again   new way of thinking did not mean the
                                   a reflection of the shock he experienced   His harsh and intolerant attitude, plus his        said that mankind is Divine... means to   eradication of the old ways of thought.
                                   when he saw that esoteric teachings had   very strong dependence on the Sultan’s              deny God and His messenger, and to     Quite often, what was “new” was
                                   become widespread among ill-trained     power, did not help the attempts of the               justify the beliefs of the Jews and the   more an intermezzo when the “old”
                                                                                                                                 Christians.”  The correct wujudiyah,
                                   groups of people and this may also      orthodox movement al-Raniri started.                  which is monotheist (muwahhid), is “that   had not yet reached the height of its
                                   have been an example of, as Drewes      Shortly after the sultan had died, other              God’s existence is one, uncountable    development. And, al-Raniri’s influence
                                   pointed out,  how the debates that were   scholars launched a counter-attack and              and limitless, no totality and no halve,   within the world of Islamic thought in the
                                                                                                                                                                        archipelago became more meaningful
                                   from 1580 to 1583 and later during the reign of   Sultanah Tajul-Alam (1641-1675) thought     not assembled and not divided in parts,   when orthodoxy had increasingly gained
                                   Sultan Alau al-Din Riayat Shah from 1589 to 1604.   it was not in her best interest to defend
                                   Perhaps before settling in Aceh, al-Raniri had                                                no special type and no generality, no   power. According to Sheikh Ismail al-
                                   already been to Aceh and stayed in Pahang. But   al-Raniri. Thus, al-Raniri was in a hurry    substance no organic structure... and   Banjari, he used the Sirat al-Mustaqim
                                   then during the reign of Iskandar Thani (1637-  to leave Aceh. According to a Dutch           so He exists and created all things”.
                                   1641), who suceeded Iskandar Muda (1607-                                                                                             to write his own book on Islamic law
                                   1637), he played an important role, and he was   report, another religious scholar replaced   Al-Raniri wrote even harsher criticism in   (fiqh). But this happened at the end of
                                   even promoted, according to al-Attas, to Sheikh   him in the palace.                          a text he wrote after his return to India,   the century, when two decades had
                                   al-Islam. In 1644, after writing many books, like                                             Al-Fath al-Mubin a’la al-Mulhidin (1657
                                   his very famous Bustanus-Salatin (1638), Sirat al-  In Hujjat as-Siddiq li daf’i al-zindiq, al-                                      passed and after al-Raniri’s hasty exit
                                   Mustaqim (1634), Asrar al-Insan fi Ma’rifat (1640-                                            A.D./1068 A.H.).  But the work in which   and when Sheikh Abdur Rauf al-Singkili
                                   1644), and Hujjat   al-Siddiq li daf‘ al-Zindiq, and   36.  Johns, 1975, 1976.                he truly a frontally attacked Syamsuddin’s   had returned to Aceh in 1661.  As
                                   other books, he rushed back to Ranir. He passed   37.  This fact was underlined by al-Attas, who
                                   away in 1658 while he was finishing his book,   tends to defend Fansuri (al-Attas, 1966: 16-17).   group is his book, Al-Tibyan fi Ma’rifati al-  42.  Al-Attas, 1966, quotes p. 15.
                                   Rahiq al-Muhammadiyah fi Taufiq al-Suffiyah.   According to al-Attas (ibid, 27-29) Fansuri was   Adyan, which according to al-Attas, was   43.  If Rinkes’ (1909) estimation that Abdur Rauf
                                   From al-Attas, 1986, on al-Raniri, see also among   no less orthodox than al-Raniri. Moreover, the                                   ibn al-Sinkel, born in Singkel and also known as
                                   others Daudy 1983, 1987; Tujimah, 1961; Drewes,   “heterodox” Fansuri mostly resulted from al-  39.  Al-Attas, 1966: 86-89.          Teungku in Kuala is not totally wrong, he went
                                   1974; al-Attas, 1966.                   Raniri’s distortions of Hamzah Fansuri’s writings.    40.  Al-Attas, 1966: 89.               to the Holy Land when he was 25-30 years old,
                                   35.  Drewes, 1986.                      38.  Ito, 1978.                                       41.  Daudy, 1987.                      so he was probably born around the year 1615,

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