P. 267

Reform Movements

                                                               Muhammad Hisyam

                                   Introduction                            Scientific and technological advances                 place in understanding religion. The   the sciences that developed through
                                                                           also allowed the European nations                     invention of printing technology also   proof and experiments (burhani) and
                                   In the West, the rise of rationalism gave   to explore the world, i.e. the regions                                                   which had advanced in the past such as
                                   birth to the Renaissance, the movement                                                        played a major role in accelerating the   physics, biology, chemistry, astronomy,
                                   that aspired to liberate humanity from the   across the sea. Initially, the purpose           spread of Protestant reform under the
                                   shackles of mythology that had confined   of their explorations of the other parts            leadership of Martin Luther and John   and medicine, all were in decline.
                                   the people in Europe during the Middle   of the world was to obtain commercial                Calvin. Therefore, Protestantism was   Experts refer to this period as a time of
                                                                           commodities and raw materials to
                                                                                                                                                                        setback. The dark ages of Islam lasted
                                                                                                                                 born as a form of Christianity that was
                                   Ages. Their theocentric mindset had     develop their industries. In various ways,            more critical to understanding dogmatic   approximately 400 years. Ration-based
                                   confined them for so long that it was   slowly but surely, colonization started               and mythical notions than old Roman    sciences (burhani) stagnated, whereas
                                   as if humans were incapable of doing    as they changed their objective to the                Catholicism. The birth of Protestantism   explanatory (bayani) based knowledge
                                   anything. The revival of rationalism did   political subjugation of the regions               also led to inevitable religious conflicts as   also halted, because the gate of ijtihad
                                   away with this theocentric view and put   across the sea. So, initially, they came to         for about 30 years (1618-1648) Europe   had been closed.
                                   man at the center of everything. Life   trade, then to monopolize, and finally to             was plunged into “wars of religion”.
                                   was no longer centered on God, but on   colonialize the world.                                                                       In the midst of this stagnated era,
                                   people. This anthropocentrism destroyed                                                                                              away from its center in Arabia, Islam
                                   the ocentric mythology and replaced it by   Entering the 17 century, European                 Since Baghdad had been conquered       penetrated new territories in the Far
                                   humanist rationalism, in which man could   colonization spread everywhere, to                 in 1280 after Mongol attacks, Islamic   East, namely the Indonesian archipelago.
                                   do anything without God’s intervention   Africa, America, South and Southeast                 civilization began to decline. What    It can be assumed that the kind of
                                   (Kuntowijoyo, 1994: 160).               Asia, up to the Pacific. European nations             developed later was Sufism, an         Islam that entered the archipelago from
                                                                           discovered that the population of the                 illuminative (irfani) paradigm of      around the 14 until the 16 century
                                   The Renaissance was the beginning of    countries in North Africa, and South                  knowledge based on the essential       wasa Sufi-oriented one. According
                                   the rise of Europe towards modernism.   and Southeast Asia were Muslims.                      wisdom of mystical gnosis to achieve   to some theories, in the early period,
                                   It was characterized by the “deification”   Their colonial reign lasted hundreds              a close relationship with God. Sufism   after the conversion of Hindus to Islam,
                                   of human reason, in which man could     of years exploiting natural resources,                is a spiritual science that uses the   until the mid-19  century, their religious
                                   progress only by way of appreciating    enslaving the people and making them                  heart as its mechanism to achieve the   orientation was likely to be Sufi. The Sufi
                                   reason, and by liberating himself from his   stupid, and humiliating their dignity.           highest dignity in human life. Sufism is   orientation of the early period can be
                                   dependence on God.. In about a century,   They built modernism by placing                     the most logical way to cure the people   seen in the legacy of Islamic books on
                                   the Renaissance successfully enabled    mankind at the center to appreciate                   who were depressed because of their    the mystic path (suluk) that portray an
                                   the Western World to attain progress in   reason and to discard mythological                  “defeat”. Within the development of    Islamic way of life colored by a heterodox
                                   science and culture. Later, new findings   ways of thinking and thus, leaving                 Sufism, which is based in the heart,   Sufi orientation. Islam was based on the
                                   in science and technology also brought   behind the era of darkness, to enter                 other Islamic sciences that are based   book of Allah, the Qur’an, mingled with
                                   about the industrial revolution, where   one of enlightenment. At the same time,              on the sacred texts (turath) like Qur’anic   magic that resembled the subjugation
                                   factories were built to produce goods in   religions were being reformed, in which            interpretation, Islamic jurisprudence,   of the supernatural forces of the local
                                   large quantities to meet human needs.   reason was positioned into its proper                 and theology began to prosper while    culture. Among the books on mysticism

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