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having been made for purely religious   doctrines. The only agency authorized   their respective positions. Conservatives-  However, 2005 seemed to tell another
 reasons. Therefore, Islamic political parties   to produce halal certificates is LP-POM   fundamentalists are convinced to have   story. The radical Islamic groups’ intensive
 along with the other parties in the House   MUI, based on Law no. 7/1996, in which   secured their existence because the   rhetoric and strong lobbying had forced
 of Representatives generally supported   paragraph 30 (2) (e) states that “any   fatwas of the MUI tend to be in favor of   the MUI to re-issue its fatwa in stronger
 the MUI’s fatwa. The disputes between the   person producing or importing food   their line of struggle. While the MUI also   language on this group of Islam that was
 legislative council and Gus Dur at that time   packages to Indonesia for commercial   feels that public recognition proves its   originally rooted in India. The 2005 fatwa
 were worsening by the day.  purposes must add amark to the product   alignment with the Muslim community.   combines the 1980 MUI fatwa and the
 or on the package stating that the   It strengthens its position by defining   1984 instruction and affirmed that 1) the
 The Ajinomoto case had set the precedent   product or package is lawful”. Hence,   public opinion through the affirmation   Ahmadiyah doctrine deviates from Islam,
 for the MUI’s monopoly over what Tim   food or goods must first pass a test by   of fundamental-conservative groups   2), Ahmadiyah followers must return to
 Lindsey called “Islamic economy regulation”   the accredited inspection institution which   who always claim themselves to be the   true Islam based on the Qur’an and the
 in the field of halal certification and it   in this case is LP-POM MUI. A halal   representatives of the Muslim-majority in   Hadith, and 3) the government has to
 obtained the same position as in the case   certificate is valid for two years and can   Indonesia.  prohibit the adherence to Ahmadiyah
 of Islamic banking.  LP-POM is the only   be extended. The inspection institution   principles and to ban the Ahmadiyyah
 institution authorized to inspect and identify   can conduct random tests on certified   The climax came in the seventh MUI   from Indonesia. Ultimately, the 2005 MUI
 whether food is halal or not. The MUI’s halal   products at any time and the outcome   National Congress in 2005, when it   fatwa justified radical Islamic groups such
 fatwa is not a religious recommendation   may influence the decision on the   issued no less than 11 fatwas. Two   as the FUI and FPI’s intimidating actions,
 like fatwas on other issues where it has   issuance or extension of the certificate. 75  of them caused a prolonged and   physical violence, persecution, arson
 a binding effect on the public. In the case   fierce controversy, i.e. the fatwa that   and the closing of Ahmadiyah offices and
 of halal certification for industries, the   Fatwa, Religious Violence, and   proclaimed that the Ahmadiyah was   places of worship.
 same as in the banking sector, the MUI   the Development of Islamic   heretical and the fatwa on the prohibition
 halal fatwa is a ruling instrument with the   Thought  of secularism, pluralism and liberalism.   From 2005 to 2008 the violence radical
 power to enforce much likestate rules.    The 2005 MUI fatwa on the Ahmadiyah   Islamic groups perpetrated against the
 Furthermore, this monopoly has turned into   The ascendancy of conservative   was actually not new. The MUI had   Ahmadiyah congregation was intense.
 the MUI’s primary means of fundraising   groups within era of Reformation MUI   issued a similar fatwa in 1980 followed by   In 2008, one radical group even urged
 after Gus Dur’s administration had   can no longer be denied. MUI’s shift   the instruction to the group of Ahmadis   the government to issue a Joint Decree
 toward conservatism has become more
 discontinued its subsidy.  in 1984. However, since the New Order   (SKB) by the Minister of Religious Affairs,
 apparent by the issuance of several   regime used to treat the discussion   the Attorney General and the Minister of
 Halal certification is the process of halal   fatwas that tended to affirm the struggle   on the religiously sensitive issues as   the Interior on the Ahmadiyah’s deviant
 labeling for a product manufactured or   of conservative groups. So, it is not   something unwanted MUI’s fatwa and   status and the cessation of all activities
 sold in Indonesia, so the cleanliness   surprising that the presumption emerged   instruction gave no social effects. The   to spread its doctrine in Indonesia (Joint
 and the suitability of the product for   that the MUI and conservatives groups   Ahmadiyah adherents could still continue   Decree of three ministers, 2008). In those
 consumption is guaranteed with the   had entered into a relationship beneficial   to live and practice their faith as they had   years, the Ahmadiyah congregation was
 standard rulings contained in Islamic   to both, and that it even strengthened   done since 1925. 76  forced to return to the true teachings of

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