P. 59

A dresser in the Palace   Though originally a local style, in a sense   acts as the ethos and vision of life in the
          of Luwu, South Sulawesi,   that each locality has its own dynamic   political behavior pattern?
          which still contains     style, however, as recorded by the local   Now, the question arises, what is the
          ancient historical       collective memory, each locality was    traditional form of Islamic state in
          manuscripts.             to see itself as part of a “sending and   Southeast Asia? What is the foundation
          Source: Directorate of   receiving” chain of divine guidance,    of political tradition as mentioned above?
          History and Cultural     i.e. Islam. This memory was not just    This talk hopefully will be able to explain
          Values, Ministry of      recorded, but also being experienced    the political and cultural behavior of the
          Education and Culture    continuously with the establishment of   community of Islamic power centers.
          of the Republic of       a network of religious scholars, namely
          Indonesia, 2007.         between teachers and students, students
                                   and the fellow pupils. Thus, although
                                   the conversion event was a local event,
                                   which experiences a style of cultural
                                   encounters, variously-mixed with differing
                                   cultural accountability as well, but the
                                   various networks are not only channels
                                   of the spread of religious thought, but
                                   also, and no less importantly, putting
                                   cultural and ideological foundations and
                                   also ideals of the relationship between
                                   the king’s and the servants and both with
                                   the Almighty.

                                   Inflicted upon the local reality and pattern
                                   differences of the cultural encounters,
                                   which form the structural base of power,
                                   which is also local, the cultural and
                                   ideological foundation will form a political
                                   tradition of each power center. But what
                                   is the cultural basis of Islamic power
                                   center that in turn will also determine the
                                   character of its political tradition, which

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