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General Information                                  3-Hour Classes

     Personal Protective Equipment:                 Saturday  AM ZHE-100-FD07
     If personal protective equipment requirements   Sunday     AM ZHE-100-FD08
     apply, it is indicated in the class description.
     Students must provide the following equipment       EXCITED DELIRIUM
     in order to participate:
                                                       OPIATES and NARCAN
     •  Helmet (NFPA compliant)
     •  Protective hood                              Scott Richards, Paramedic, Brian
     •  Coat with liner (NFPA compliant)             Dotts, RN; UnityPoint Health Life
     •  Pants with liner (NFPA compliant) (Note: 3/4       Flight Des Moines
     length boots are not approved in place of pants.)
     •  Firefighting boots                          An explanation of Excited Delirium as well
     •  Gloves (Cal/OSHA or NFPA compliant)         as case studies showing some of the
     •  Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)   challenges, treatment options, and cautions
     with spare cylinder (Note: Cylinders under current   of encountering a exhibiting Excited
     hypostatic test will be refilled at no cost.)  Delirium. The abuse of Opiates is a serious
                                                    problem in the US and worldwide. This
                                                    session will look at what drugs are
     Beards (facial hair):                          considered Opiates and as EMS personnel
     Persons with beards, sideburns, or other       how to treat these patients.  With the
     hairstyles that interfere with the proper seal   advent of OTC Narcan what to expect and
     of a breathing apparatus face piece will not be   know about Narcan and how it works.
     allowed to participate in hands-on portions of
     classes requiring the use of SCBA or involving live   Class Limit:  30
     fire.  Persons with beards may attend the class-  CEHs:  EMS (Formal)
     room portion and participate in other portions
     of the class which do not require SCBA or do not   Equipment/Gear Required:  Personal
     involve live fire.  No exceptions will be made to   protective clothing and eye protection
     these requirements.                            is required for the hands-on portion of
                                                    this class.
     Age Requirement Policy:
     All students must be 18 years of age or older.
                                                    Saturday  PM ZHE-100-FD09
     Disclaimer:                                    Sunday     PM ZHE-100-FD10
     Northwestern Area Training Academy, Iowa Central
     Community College and its co-sponsors, except as   TRAUMA IN AGRICULTURE
     provided under Chapter 25-A of the Code of Iowa   CEREBROVASCULAR ILLNESS
     relating to tort claims, shall not be held liable for
     damages or injuries to students or persons par-         and INJURY
     ticipating in the school.  Participants are advised
     to purchase individual insurance if their employer   Scott Richards, Paramedic,
     does not provide coverage for injuries.         Brian Dotts, RN; UnityPoint Health
                                                          Life Flight Des Moines
     Code of Conduct:
                                                    Agriculture ranks among the most
     Your conduct while attending out of town edu-  hazardous industries. Farmers are at very
     cational programs or other fire service events   high risk for fatal and non-fatal injures. This
     should be no different than it would be at home   session will take a look at some of the
     in front of your families.  Wherever you travel, the   unique challenges involved in Ag related
     FD license plate, the blue light, the window decal,   trauma. We will also look at hemorrhagic
     the Maltese cross on your jacket or t-shirt    and embolic stroke, TIA’s, seizures, and
     identifies you as a member of an honorable and   other neurologic emergencies, their
     proud profession. Your actions reflect not only   treatment and time sensitive nature.
     upon you as an individual, but upon your fire
     department and the fire service as a whole.  The   Class Limit:  30
     public expects our actions to be above reproach   CEHs:  EMS (Formal)
     on and off the emergency scene.
                                                    Equipment/Gear Required:  None

 1                                                                    Northwestern Area Training Academy                           20th Annual Educational Conference                                           2
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