Page 3 - Topline-Foods_Neat
P. 3                                                              

                             Kitchen Visit and Training Program

                  “Visita della cucina e programma di formazione “

           To visit them and see if we can offer something new which 5 Stagioni team is not suggesting, as they’re only

           supply and have not bothered to give more options. We could possibly share concepts and for that share
           mutli-cereal to create a healthy option suggestion and maybe gluten free option as well.  Maybe some new
           focaccia style concept ( just a suggestion ). Since we know the team, we just wanted to use the opportunity
           to offer them some solution, which we have and try and get them to start using us. Maybe saying using our

           range of flour, oil, cheese, you will have a complete margarita tasting pizza which might result in more
           orders if done well.
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