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P. 98


          Digital Media Receiver

                                           Key Features & Highlights

                 Shallow Mounting Depth

     A short chassis installation mounting depth means
    that the receiver will fit in more vehicles and can be
     used in non-traditional applications.  Installers will
     love having the extra space behind the receiver to
     place extra components and route wires with ease.                          Dual Phone Connection

                                                                        • 2 Phones can be connected
    Traditional Size Chassis              Short Chassis                     simultaneously for hands-free calls.
                                                                        •   With the touch of a button, you can
                                                                            switch between 2 phones.

                            Music Application Controls

                         •   Connect your iPhone or
                             Android device to access and                              KENWOOD
                                                                                        Music Mix
                             control Spotify and Pandora.
                         •   Install the app, then connect      •   Up to 5 Bluetooth devices can be connected to
                             iPhone (USB or Bluetooth) or           the receiver for BT Audio at the same time.
                             Android (Bluetooth only) to        •   Allows you to take turns streaming music with
                             enjoy music playback.                  your friends and family.

                   KENWOOD            •  Use your smartphone      •   Control many basic      •   Availalbe for iOS and
                  Remote App            like a wireless remote        receiver functions.         Android devices.

                                     Receiver            Car             Time          Crossover       Illumination
                                     Settings         Settings        Alignment         Settings           Color

         Created by the KENWOOD Training Department   -   White Papers Available @ KENWOOD University   -
        JVCKENWOOD USA Corporation follows a policy of continuous advancement in technical development. For this reason, information contained here and specifications may change.
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