Page 11 - 2021 KENWOOD eXcelon Spring Catalog
P. 11

KENWOOD eXcelon products are specially developed to provide the
                                               ideal listening experience. Maximum precision is achieved with top-end
                                               components for true musical indulgence. Receivers feature innovative
        technologies such as advanced smartphone connectivity and driver safety options. Excelon amplifiers are small in size
        and big in power, designed to work perfectly with eXcelon receivers and speakers. Speakers are made of premium
        materials and tuned in the USA to be sonically accurate in an automotive environment, creating an audio experience that
        exceeds expectations. We stand firmly behind the eXcelon products with a 2 Year Warranty.

                                                               DMX907S                                        3 PRE-OUTS
                                                               Monitor with Receiver
                                                               6.95” Digital Multimedia Receiver                        AV NAVIGATION / DVD RECEIVERS / DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA RECEIVERS

        DMX706S                                        3 PRE-OUTS  DNX697S                                    3 PRE-OUTS
        Monitor with Receiver                                  GPS Navigation System
        6.95” Digital Multimedia Receiver                      6.8” Navigation DVD Receiver

        DDX6906S                                       3 PRE-OUTS  DDX396                                     3 PRE-OUTS
        Monitor with DVD Receiver                              Monitor with DVD Receiver
        6.8” DVD Receiver                                      6.2” DVD Receiver

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