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P. 247


          Marine/Motorsports Digital
          Media Receiver Package

                                           Key Features & Highlights

    KCA-RC55MR                             KCA-RC35MR

                 Wire Marine/Motorsports                                  Conformal Coated Circuit Board
           Waterproof Remote Control Ready                              •   Helps to withstand the elements.
                                                                        •   Aids in corrosion and rust prevention,
     •   KCA-RC55MR plugs into reciever’s DIN plug                          as well as vibration resistance.
         input.  Optional Y-Splitter and Extension Cables
         available.  Can use up to 3 remotes.
     •   KCA-RC35MR connects to receiver’s steering
         wheel input wire. Can use up to 6 remotes.

                    •   Dedicated Alexa button.                                         Music Mix
                    •   Play Music, Check the Weather &
                        Local News, & More.                     •   Up to 5 Bluetooth devices can be connected to
                    •   Available for iOS and Android               the receiver for BT Audio at the same time.
                        (Connected smartphone with Alexa        •   Allows you to take turns streaming music with
                        app is required for operation).             your friends and family.

                   KENWOOD            •  Use your smartphone      •   Control many basic      •   Availalbe for iOS and
                  Remote App            like a wireless remote        receiver functions.         Android devices.

                                     Receiver            Car             Time          Crossover       Illumination
                                     Settings         Settings        Alignment         Settings           Color

         Created by the KENWOOD Training Department   -   White Papers Available @ KENWOOD University   -
        JVCKENWOOD USA Corporation follows a policy of continuous advancement in technical development. For this reason, information contained here and specifications may change.
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