Page 36 - KENWOOD Combined Sell Sheets 021219
P. 36
eXcelon Reference
Pre-Loaded Enclosures
Key Features & Highlights
Subwoofer Technology
Oversized Diaphragm Reinforcing Ribs (Cone)
Low frequency output is The newly designed cone
increased because of a larger features ribbing that adds
cone size. The cutout diameter strength to the cone and
has remained the same making minimizes
this feature of the new XR distortion.
woofers ideal for most vehicles
where space is a premium. The
XR woofers are ideal for a small
sealed box.
Stress-free Spider
Strong Magnetic Circuit
By adopting a “Stress-free Spider” and a
Our engineers designed a strong magnetic “Thermal Efficient System” the mechanical
circuit with the purpose of reproducing deep and thermal durability has been improved
low frequencies. Their efforts employed a dramatically delivering smooth and strong
large magnet and optimized yoke. bass sound with long lasting reliability.
3/4” MDF
• Strong & Solid.
• Better Durability.
• Tighter Bass Response.
Rigorous Testing & Measurement
• Subwoofer development requires a diligent
testing process, including an anechoic
chamber, power testing facility and the most Push Terminals
advanced desktop applications for design and
simulation. • Accepts up to
• These high standards allow KENWOOD 8AWG Wire.
eXcelon Reference subwoofers to deliver their • Solid Wire Connection.
expected performance and have long term • Easy Wire Removal.
reliability so your music can be enjoyed for
many years.
Created by the KENWOOD Training Department - White Papers Available @ KENWOOD University -
JVCKENWOOD USA Corporation follows a policy of continuous advancement in technical development. For this reason, information contained here and specifications may change.