Page 17 - Go Getter free pdf level 3
P. 17


          Grammar   Present Simple and Present Continuous                     5  Get Grammar!

           Present Simple             Present Continuous                I usually drink lemonade
                                                                           on Fridays, but now
           I often watch TV.          I’m watching TV right now.            I’m drinking milk!
           Doctor Q works every day.  Doctor Q is working at the moment.

           Time expressions
             every day, every week    now
           on Fridays, on weekdays    right now
           at the weekend             at the moment
           always, never, usually, often,   today
                                                                         6      1.24 Listen to the dialogues.
                                                                           Complete the sentences with the words
                                                                           in the brackets in the correct form.

        4  Read the sentences from the cartoon. Decide and write           1   Lucy  writes her blog  every day,
                                                                              but right now she                 .
          R (regularly) or N (now).
                                                                              (write her blog, chat online)
          1  N    I’m working!        4       They’re playing the drums!
                                                                           2   Lucy usually              ,
          2       You work every day!  5      He only dances on his           but today she                .
          3       He usually starts         birthday.                         (wear jeans, wear a dress)
                at 9 a.m.             6      I’m going to bed.
                                                                           3   Lucy always
                                                                              on Mondays, but tonight she
        5  Read the sentences and circle the correct answer.
                                                                              is having dinner at a restaur  .  ant
                                       1   Rob and Millie clean / are         (stay at home, have dinner at  a
                                          cleaning the lab on Mondays.        restaurant)
                                          Right now, Rob vacuums /
                                                                         7  In pairs, ask and answer questions
                                          is vacuuming the floor and
                                                                           about Lucy in Exercise 6.
                                          Millie tidies / is tidying
                                          Doctor Q’s desk.                 A:   What does Lucy do every day?
                                                                           B:  She writes her blog.
                                       2   Doctor Q sleeps / is sleeping   A:  What is she doing right now?
                                          at the moment. He usually        B:  She’s chatting …
                                          gets up / is getting up at
                                          8 a.m.                                                     Fun

                                       3   Doctor Q usually listens /
                                                                        8  Today is ‘Be Different Day’! What are you
                                          is listening to classical
                                                                           doing to make it different? Complete the
                                          music. He downloads /
                                                                           table and tell your friends.
                                          is downloading his
                                          favourite opera
                                                                                       usually     today
                                          at the moment.
                                                                           morning     have toast have pancakes
                                       4   Doctor Q and Pi often           afternoon
                                          watch / are watching
                                          a DVD in the evenings.           evening
                                          They watch / are watching
                                                                           It’s seven o’clock in the morning. I usually
                                          a comedy right now.
                                                                           have toast for breakfast, but right now
                                                                           I’m having pancakes!
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