Page 8 - Vision and Purpose
P. 8

Section 3:
Marketing implications for the vision/mission etc.
The Context of the Brand
Enabling diversification from a focus on coast alone into other regions the previous name – including “Eastern Solent”, becomes less viable.
An alternate name was discussed and launched in October 2020: “Coastal Partners.”
It has been agreed that the use of shortened acronyms instead of the brand name will be avoided as far as possible and, not used in all marketing contexts.
The brand of Coastal Partners is the personality of how it wishes to be presented to its varied audiences and target clients and communities.
It should encapsulate the vision, mission and values and give them credibility and consistency. It distinguishes the organisation from other competitors in the same market.
The brand’s distinct personality can sometimes be referred to as
its USPs (unique selling propositions,) and in practice it is often the package of several USPs that make the brand appear as different and special.
The logo should reinforce the brand identity.
All marketing and communications should adhere to and reinforce the personality of the brand, using the appropriate style of language, imagery, communication medium and approach which reinforces the vision and attracts interest from the target audiences.
Changes to Reflect the Vision
To reflect the proposed vision, mission and values the brand must therefore adopt the following approaches:
Include references to "Coastal. Communities. Environment" wherever possible.
Always include the logo and contact details.
Brand guidelines should be updated and made accessible to all staff to ensure consistency of use and Brand identity.
• Clear and jargon free, accessible, welcoming and designed to prompt further enquiry
• Simple - to be understandable to most of the public
• Technically appropriate; demonstrating knowledge and expertise for technical audiences
• Demonstrating and reinforcing the values
• Confident, engendering trust
• No illegible text; careful choice of font size and colour
• Relevant, high quality and understandable photography, clearly labelled and referenced
• Few selected infographics which accurately depict subjects/data
• Relevant sized images- fewer rather than many, to enhance a subject and not detract.
Selecting the right communication media:
• Targeted at stakeholders to ensure maximum access
• Utilising social media consistently and regularly
• Updating the website regularly and making it accessible
• Utilising other media such as digital marketing, events, PR, print, posters, and advertising as appropriate
• Timed, planned, communications which support the development stages of projects as well providing news.
Communicating the Vision and Purpose
• Staff engagement is essential to encourage them to live and endorse the new words and messages which support the brand and business strategy. Internal team meetings, briefs on the intranet and opportunities to discuss and digest, will disseminate the messages and provide opportunities to receive any feedback.
• A process to consult staff and launch the new identity and logo commenced in May 2020.
• All communications will include recommended text or ”blurb” which
is then pasted into everything, (various length versions are then used for different marketing purposes- e.g. very short at the end of a press release, medium length in project briefings and full length on corporate documents and introductory communications. comprise the blurb.)
• Suggested blurbs are attached as Appendix 1.
• Guidance on which summaries to use will be incorporated into the brand and marketing guidelines.
Coastal Partners Business Strategy

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