Page 7 - Vision and Purpose
P. 7

Vision and Purpose
  Marketing and Brand
• Marketing awareness campaigns to date have been aligned to specific projects rather than general “brand awareness.”
• Reputation, networks and successful project delivery have created a pipeline of new opportunities despite this.
• Marketing is now needed to formalise and manage communications to a larger customer and stakeholder base; ensure that communications are effective, across all media, and particularly around the impact of projects.
The next step is to create a marketing strategy.
• In the promoting the organisation’s “resilience support services” alongside flood and coastal defence and protection, there is also an “educational” role to be played in all marketing and communications- explaining the why for work and what stakeholders can expect; (i.e. enlisting and building community and stakeholder support rather than briefing on project scope and content alone.)
• A redeveloped website presence and communications across social media as well as through events, print and PR. will evolve.
• Media handling and complaints/public comment require a managed and recorded process. A Customer Relationship Management Toolset would facilitate the collection of feedback from all public consultations and meetings to build a picture of key stakeholders and facilitate follow- up.
• An expansion of marketing activities is likely to generate more enquiries and opportunities for new business.
Southsea Castle, Southsea, Portsmouth
• The appointment and development of marketing skilled staff will make a substantial difference to workloads and effectiveness, as well reducing the pressure on the current team.
Workloads and Resources
• Staff have demonstrated initiative in developing new services and approaches, which could be tapped into for future growth- e.g. Geomatics, funding expertise, ecological advice, contract management, procurement, ports work, research and surveys work, habitat development and conservation etc.
• New work and extended work will, in future be planned and supported against a process to ensure resources are in place and that the work supports our key strategic priorities.
Processes and Planning
• There are extensive management processes for projects and schemes in place, which reflect the complicated range of stakeholder requirements and delivery needs.
• However, a framework for development into new areas or different approaches is needed, combined with a clear policy on what new work should be taken on, why and how.
• This will help to prevent reacting to new opportunities without trying to accommodate extra work without sufficient resource.
• Processes for community engagement will also be developed in a consistent manner.
• Simultaneously project management practices are also being refined and made consistent.

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