Page 22 - Pilatuña Michelle_Writing II_Portfolio
P. 22


                     Basic Bibliography

                                                                                                          EDITION                                                                     NUMBER OF                 NUMBER OF
                             AUTHOR (S)                   ISSUED              BOOK TITLE                 NUMBER             EDITORIAL                 CITY/COUNTRY                        ISSUES                    PAGES

                      Fitzpatrick, M.                    2011            Engaging writing 2:           2nd                 Pearson              The U.S.A.                         1                          310
                                                                         Essential skills for                              Longman.
                                                                         academic writing

                   CODE/ DATABASE LOCATION:                              COMMENTARY:
                   Código de Inventario: 11037f                          This is a book that contains different strategies and techniques in writing which are going to help students understand the written process
                   Código de Ubicación : 801=20 F559                     in a better way.

                   PRINTED:                              x
                   DIGITAL:                                              (Contemporary)

                                                                    ISSUED                                                         EDITION                                                                        NUMBER
                                     AUTHOR/S                       YEAR                        BOOK TITLE                         NUMBER                 EDITORIAL                    CITY / COUNTRY            OF PAGES

                      Harper, G                                  2010        New Writing Viewpoints: On                                          ProQuest ebrary                 United States of               145

                                                                             Creative Writing                                                                                    America
                   CODE/ DATA BASE:                                          COMMENTARY:
                   PRINTED:                                                  The desire of this book is to be useful to the translator. You can find various theories and                                         NUMBER
                                                                             generalizations of translation practice                                                                                            OF ISSUES
                   DIGITAL:                                                                                                                                                                                      1
                   VIRTUAL:                                        X


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