Page 9 - Pilatuña Michelle_Writing II_Portfolio
P. 9


                 Professor's name: Lorena Fernanda Parra Gavilanez
                 Academic degree: Master en Docencia Universitaria y Administración Educativa.

                 Master in Arts in English Language Teaching

                 Knowledge area:
                 Broad field: 01 Education
                 Narrow field: 011 Education
                 Detailed field: 0113 Teacher training without subject specialization

                 Bachelor's degree: Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación Especialidad Inglés

                 Knowledge area:
                 Broad field: 01 Education
                 Narrow field: 011 Education
                 Detailed field: 0114Teacher training with subject specialization
                 Professional experience: Teaching English as a Foreing Language
                  Teaching experience: Universidad Técnica de Ambato
                   Escuela Politécnica del Ejército
                 Program Academic area: Communicative Competence.
                 Professsor's schedule (practical application and learning experimentation) :
                 Tuesday 11:00-13-00 / Friday 10:00-12:00
                 Professor's schedule (Academic tutoring): Friday: 14:00 – 15h00
                 Phone numbers: 0984008809


                  Produce written texts in English that permit communication of ideas while correctly
                  using linguistic elements and maintaining coherence and cohesion.

                  Course Description:

                  The  “Writing  II”  module  is  designed  to  teach  students  how  to  write  about  different
                  topics using different writing styles and intentions. Each unit offers students a different
                  organizational tool, which are practiced in prewriting exercises. Some are introspective;
                  for example, students are asked to reflect on a major life event that has led to growth.
                  Others are more conventional but task-based; students are asked to plan a trip abroad
                  and  to  publish  a  class  newspaper.  In  this  way,  humanistic  writing  assignments  are
                  interwoven  with  task-based  writing  assignments,  providing  a  broad  range  of  writing

                  In this module students will be able to apply strategies for distinguishing differences and
                  similarities  and  justify  decisions  with  supporting  evidence  and  arguments  in  written
                  compositions;  argue  viewpoints  and  opinions  logically  and  coherently  in  written
                  compositions; demonstrate logical organization in written products; manipulate

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