Page 52 - Pilatuña Michelle_Writing II_Portfolio
P. 52


                        In this subject, I have learned three important things. First, I learned new

                  vocabulary.  Also,  I  learned  how  to  write  different  types  of  essays.  For

                  example: argumentative, contrast, cause-effect essays. Finally, I learned how

                  to use transitions, conjunctions, and punctuation correctly in essays.

                        In  “Writing  II”  I  achieved  many  learning  outcomes.  First,  I  have

                  improved  my  techniques  in  the  writing  process.  Also,  I  have  written  better

                  essays  in  an  academic  way,  and  the  correct  punctuation.  Finally,  I  have

                  learned to recognize the most important parts of the essays.

                        Many strategies helped me to reach my learning outcomes. First, I wrote

                  a lot of essays in classes and at home. Also, I have done all the task that the

                  teacher uploaded in the platform. Finally, I studied for all my exams and I was

                  very responsible in this subject.

                        In  conclusion,  “Writing  II”  helped  me  in  many  important  things,  I

                  achieved many expectations that I have. Also, this subject taught me all the

                  things that I must know for write perfect paragraphs. For all these reasons this

                  subject will help me to improve my English skills.

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