Page 62 - 2017 fall winter catalog
P. 62

LAUNDRY                                                                                                                                       CLEAN

     FRESH & CLEAN                                                                         DRYER DISKS

                                                                                           One disk infuses your laundry
                                                                                           with fabulous fragrance for    COUNTER
     Formidable formulas for home and laundry.                                             up to 15 dryer loads.          CLEAN
                                                                                           Pack of 2, $7
        New Fragrances!                                                                                                   Create a dirt-repelling
                                                                                                                          barrier on sealed
                                                                                                                          use of this all-purpose
           JUST BREATHE                                                                                                   surfaces with regular
           Breathe deeply as soothing EUCALYPTUS, zesty LEMON
           and a medley of MINTS comfort and rejuvenate.                                                                  16 fl. oz., $10
           JAMMY TIME
           Drift into dreamland with BABY FREESIA,
           LAVENDER and SWEET PEA.
           To learn which fragrances are available in which
           product types, see pages 72-73.

                                                                                                                          KITCHEN SOAP
                         SCENT SOFT
                         Keep clothing luxuriously soft,                                                                  enzymes leave your
                         reduce static and give it a fresh                                                                dishes sparkling clean.
                         shot of fragrance!                                                                               Biodegradable. Sulfate-
                         32 fl. oz. (25 medium loads), $16                                                                and phosphate-free.
                                                                                                                          16 fl. oz., $14

                                                                                                                          Powerful molecules
                                                                                                                          transform and eliminate
                                                                                                                          odors as long-lasting
                                                                                                                          fragrance fills the
                                                                                                                          air. Spray on carpets,
       WASHER WHIFFS                                                                                                      furniture and other
       Give clothes, towels and blankets a fragrance boost with just one scoop!                                           fabrics.
       Available in two sizes.                                                                                            16 fl. oz., $12
       Washer Whiffs: 16 oz., $12   |   Washer Whiffs Tub: 48 oz., $30
                                                                                    LAUNDRY LIQUID
      SCENTSY            NEVER RUN OUT!                                             See how dirt-lifting enzymes leave
     VIP                 Our Scentsy VIP program delivers on your schedule.         your laundry remarkably clean —
                                                                                    and enjoy the fresh scent!
                                                                                    20 fl. oz.  (50 medium loads), $16
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