Page 5 - Lofty Prospectus Re edited from first edit.pdf
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about us:
Lofty Community Media Incorporated was founded in 2017 by a small but enthusiastic team of people with one common vision: to build a valuable cultural and community asset for the Adelaide Hills. We do this for the love of communication, the love of music and the love of our fellow Hills dwellers.
After a lot of hard work and overwhelming support from our local community, in November 2018 we were granted a Temporary Community Broadcasting Licence (TCBL) on a share basis using frequency 88.9 on the FM radio band.
Our 24/7 live stream is accessible via a range of platforms and devices. You can listen to Lofty at home on your stereo through a smart device, at work on your computer, in your car through TuneIn Radio ... almost anywhere, anytime.
Lofty continues to be managed and operated by volunteers – we have no payroll, so everything you see and hear is created and curated by people doing what they do purely out of love.
Our Board of Governors, which is made up entirely of Adelaide Hills locals, is dedicated to growing and maintaining Lofty for the benefit of the community. Absolutely none of our sponsorship funding goes into paying wages at Lofty.
This is a passion for people who really love what they do – and it is a safe, supportive, and inclusive workplace where we give people the chance to shine and grow.
We always welcome new members with fresh ideas and a sense of adventure to join us. In particular, people with a real passion for community and the arts to who can help us with:
connecting creative communities across the Adelaide Hills collaborating with performing artists, arts venues and events community arts beat radio – Lofty 88.9 FM Music Arts Radio community and cultural events and activities
Lofty Community Media Incorporated - Page 5

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