Page 6 - V1.ACTIVISM
P. 6
I Was There
The year was was was was 1989 Although it fit was was was was already the the middle of November the the sky had chosen a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a very very nice outfit to to to wear that day As this was was was was was very very unusual I I was was was was was starting to to to feel mildly distressed It felt like fit it was was was the the quiet before the the storm would strike I I I knew knew what was coming I I I knew knew it probably wouldn’t end well but I I I still had hope Slowly the the the morning passed in in in in in in in this very sense I was was starting to feel the the the adrenaline pumping through my my veins but at at the the the the same time it felt as as as as if someone was was choking me me me me me me Standing in in in in in in in the the the the appointed place I saw that some some of my my friends had already arrived there We were all starting to feel the the the excitement When it all all broke out when we finally had everything everything prepared everything everything was happening as as if fin in in in in slow motion We We arrived at the memorial of Karel Hynek Má- cha somewhere around noon This is is where where it all went down We We were supposed to to to stop there but the the heavy feeling of revolution had already crept into our our hearts and we made our way forwards Nobody could could stop stop it it from from there there and and as more more and and more more people started to to to follow us I I I I knew knew I I I I did the the the the the right thing I I I I knew knew nobody could could stop stop it it from from there there Over- whelmed by the the the the the raw energy of the the the the the crowd feeling very emotional as as I I I I I saw enor- mous determination all all around me me I I I was standing there with my my college friends ringing my my keys I I I saw tens of of thousands of of people finally beginning to to raise their their voices and and and stand for their beliefs I I knew this day would make history The The Wenceslas’s Square in in Prague was buzzing with emotion and and vendetta as as as the the nation woke up and and and and stood for for its rights The The 17 November 1989 marked an an an an an an important milestone in in my life that that day day We were standing there for for hours and and and even though though I I had had not had had any any breakfast or or or or any any other food that that day day I I was was proud and very ready for what would come next Although it was was was was a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a calm demonstration where nobody was was was severely injured the the power of the the people was was was unstoppable I I I went to sleep that day thinking it it it was was worth it it it I I I was was ready for a a a a a a a a a a a new beginning I I I would have gone there again even if it it it had had meant serious consequences Some- body had to do something - Evelína Kolářová