Page 5 - Primary Kitchen Fenix Brochure
P. 5
Bianco Kos Bianco Alaska Bianco Malé Bianco Dover
Beige Arizona Castoro Ottawa Grigio Efeso Grigio Antrim
Grigio Londra Grigio Bromo Nero Ingo Blu Fes
Verde Comodoro Rosso Jaipur Piombo Doha Bronzo Doha
The additional 16 colors added to the Primary Kitchen library are engineered by
undergoing a particular series of processes, including a multilayer coating and the
use of next-generation acrylic resins, which are hardened and fi xed through an
Electron Beam Curing process. With low light refl ectivity, their surface is extremely
opaque, soft touch, and anti-fi ngerprint.
Low light refl ectivity — Anti-fi ngerprint — the non-
absorbs light refl ections to porous material does not hold
create an extremely opaque onto oil from fi ngerprints
matte surface
Soft touch — developed with Thermal healing of
nanotechnologies, this smart superfi cial microscratches —
material is incredibly smooth light scratches can be removed
to the touch using heat*
Swatches are a representation and may vary in color from the fi nal product. Obtain a sample of the product before making a fi nal selection.
* visit for instructions