Page 21 - Oct Mag
P. 21

        Crowland Cancer Fund
  sewing items etc etc.
One of the most beautiful sights across the fen at night is that of the Abbey floodlit. As you approach Crowland, the Abbey is visible on the horizon as a beacon gently drawing people towards it.
To sponsor the lights is a simple process. The cost is just £30 per week. Just pop along to the Parish Council Office between 9.30 am and 11.00 am Monday to Friday and speak to the clerk. She will take down the details and give you a receipt.
As you are aware the Crowland Cancer Fund Warehouse closed on 18th August. Our shop on East Street remains open but without the Warehouse we will not be able to donate such large sums of money as we have in the past few years. However, what will help us is if you and your friends can donate goods to us to sell, for without such donations we will not be able to assist cancer sufferers and their families as we have in the past. We are pleased to accept most items except for clothing (Togs ‘n’ Cloggs will be pleased to take them), electrical items, baby chairs, car seats etc. Please do not be offended if we refuse items but we have to consider other’s safety. We would be pleased to accept things such as curtains, bedding, cushions, throws etc., kitchen items, crockery and china, ornaments, glassware, jewellery, books, Dvds, CDs, childrens games and jigsaw puzzles, knitting wool,
We frequently see items listed on Facebook which come under these headings offered for free and we wonder if you would consider giving them to us to sell. This way you can clear your unwanted items and we can raise more funds to donate.
Our only request is that items are clean and in a saleable condition and not left on the doorstep if we are closed.
The Shop is open six days a week from 10-4. If you would like to volunteer to work with us, please come into the shop and speak to one of us - we are friendly crowd.
I don’t suppose for one moment that it was my one contact with Lincolnshire County Council, many may have, but this did work.
Parish Council said to report potholes, so I went on LCC’s website,
followed the links and reported two potholes that were getting bigger by
the day. I photographed them and measured the depth - they use golf
balls as a measure. I let them know exactly where these holes were – 58 Whatsit Road, the corner of Thingy St and Whatchmacallit Lane, that sort of thing. Three weeks later, five men and some interesting machinery came and filled both potholes plus two nearby holes I hadn’t seen or weren’t there before. I happened to be passing as the men were working so thanked them for a job well done. and follow the links. Go on, give it a go.

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