Page 26 - Oct Mag
P. 26

      this time.
2nd August 2018. The public meeting is in the
Chairman’s Message
The next meetingPUofBtLhICe PMaErEisThINCGouncil will be st th
The next meeting of the Parish Council will We live in challenging times both nationally and
thTeheon PMaroisnhdayCo1uncAilughusatveandbetehenn wMornkdinayg 5with SCepotuenmcbiellroraPt e7p.p30epr,mtheinDtihsetricPtarCisohunRcoilolomrs, aHndallthe SPtroeleitc.e and we are pleased to once again be hosting
be on Monday 6th August 2018 at 7.30pm in the
locally but it is important to keep a positive attitude.
Parish Rooms, Hall Street. Residents are welcome
At the Parish Council this year we have faced
to attend and listen to the debate. The agenda is
challenges due to some members of staff being
a public meeting with Marc Jones, The Police
posted on the Parish Notice Board in East Street
unavoidably away. I should like to thanks all
Green bags (recycling) are collected on Tuesdays; and Crime Commissioner, his Deputy and senior
and on the large notice board in North Street.
members and staff who have, and continue, to help
please put items for recycling straight into the bag.
fill the vPoAidR.ISYHouRrOpOaMtienOcPeEiNs IaNpGpreHcOiaUteRdSthrough
Police representatives in Crowland on Thursday
The Parish office in Hall Street is open to
the Parish Council Offices or the Library
thWe ephuabvleic– fyreotmagaMinoncdhanygetos cFornidcearyn,in9g.3p0oliacmingtion
Royal British Legion Hall at 6.30pm. Everyone is
Thekerbsidecollectionofblackbags(refuse)is on matters that are important to you.
altsoothbepcoolnicteacvtiead10b1y.telephone, email or letter.
on Wednesdays.
The Parish Rooms have 3 meeting rooms that
Dog fouling continues to be an issue on the
Both Green and Black bags need to be placed Plans are already underway for the 2018 switch
can be hired during the day, evenings or weekends
Snowden but can I remind everyone that cycling is
outside by 6 am on collection day.
for meetings, small gatherings, coffee mornings
on. This will be on Saturday 1st December at 5pm. It was lovely seeing so may of you visiting our stall
not permitted on the Snowden Field – and cyclists
etc for a reasonable fee. Please contact the clerks
The new Garden Waste Bins collection days will
at Crowland Show and supporting the purchase
have been spotted riding on the cricket pitch.
to view or book.
be on Friday - 5th August, 19th August,
I along with members and staff attended the Young
of new lights. A fantastic amount was raised by
Achievers Awards Presentation at South View
2nd September, 16th September and
Recycling and
School recently. This was very well attended and it
we hope she is enjoying the wheelbarrow and its Ecvoenryteintcsi.deFnotrsthhoousled obfe yroepuowrthedo toriethdetopogliucesosnthe 10n1umasbseoroonfaCshproistsmibales.Baubles in the paddling pool O–urthneerewwpeorleic3in2g2 atenadmthies cPloCsSesOt gSuaelslys wPuaseMy,r T suCpopoopreterd– wbyellPdCoSnOe! Colin Abbott and PCSO Naomi Newell and PC Paul Freeman.
is a pleasure to recognize our young people for their
achievements and the majority of our young people
Refuse Collection
are a credit to their school, parents and to the
community. Green bags (recycling)
We have just distributed commemorative coins for
Volunteers are very welcome to join us and help
areth collected on Tuesdays
the Queens 90 Birthday to all youngsters in the
Sally can be contacted on 07939985765
Please put clean items for recycling straight
make Crowland bright and festive at Christmas
Parish of 11 years old and under.
into the bag.
The Parish office in Hall Street is open to the public
Progress is being made with the use of the Sports Hall in PBolastclkanbdagRsoa(rde–fuwseat)cahrtehicsosllpeaccte.d
on Wednesdays.
Both Green and Black bags need
Personal visits are welcome. We can be contacted
The Parish Council is very concerned at the
by telephone (24 hour ansaphone), by email or by lePttaerrt. time position including evening and weekend
to be placed outside by 6am on collection day.
work, approx. 15 hours per week.
condition of the Old School Building in Postland Road and we have made repeated requests as to its
to 4pm.
Parish Council Chairman
members and other staff members is essential.
The Garden Waste Bins
Involves responsibility for taking bookings and payments, opening/closing of the sports hall
future with suggestions to bring it back into
There are currently two vacancies on Crowland
rd th commucnoiltlyecutsieo.nWdaeyshwalilllcboneti3nu,e1t7o daonsdo as both
building, hygiene of the complete site and buildings
th thth th2e4buAiuldgiungsta2n0d1it8s agnrodu1n4ds arnedin28a dSisegprtaecmefbuel r.
Parish Council.
that are under the control of the Parish Council and
The Household Waste Recycling Centre at West
of the exterior door areas.
I hope you all have a great summer
community and feel that this could be achieved by
Marsh Road, Spalding is now open from 1st April
Applicants do need organizational and interpersonal
David Ringham
skills as communicating with clients, elected
to 31st October from Monday to Sunday 8am
Parish Council office for more information.
Crowland Parish Council
Crowland Parish Council
August - September 2016
Contacts and Editors
:Clerk: Brenda Stanojevic, Assistant Clerk: Di Halliwell, Parish Rooms, Hall Street Telephone 01733 210653 or e-mail
July 2018
Further green recycling bags can be obtained from
welcome. Please come along and have your say
our raffle – which was won by Mrs S Brimston –
from Monday to Friday from 9.30am until 11am.
A site supervisor is required for the Sports Hall on
the Southview School Site.
If you are keen to become involved with the
becoming a Parish Councillor, please contact the
nd CWloisllinbgedraetqeufiorredaptpoliacsastiosnt swiisth22carAetuagkuinstg2d0u1t6ie. s of
other Parish Council buildings when necessary.
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