Page 27 - Oct Mag
P. 27

         Further details available from Parish Office.
Thank you to everyone who nominated the young
Applications by letter/email to Parish Office
Chairman’s Message
people and to all that attended the presentation
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be eveningon11thsJtulyatSouthViewSchool.Itwthas
We live in challenging times both nationally and locally but it is important to keep a positive attitude.
the on Monday 1 August and then Monday 5
Under 13`s Winners
fantastic to hear the amazing achievements of the
1Astt thEeviPeaHrieshmCmoinungcsil this year we have faced 2cnhdalLleunkgesHdinucehtloiffseome members of staff being
young people in Crowland. We are proud of all of
unavoidably away. I should like to thanks all
GMraeneny btahgasnk(rsectyoclPinhgil)ipareGcreoellnectfeodr opnroTduuecsdinagys;the
3rd Lexie King
pclearstieficpauteisteamnsdftoarkriencgycthliengphstortaoighrat pinhtso. the bag. Further green recycling bags can be obtained from the Parish Council Offices or the Library
members and staff who have, and continue, to help fill the void. Your patience is appreciated through this time.
We have – yet again changes concerning policing in Crowland and it is important to report all incidents to the police via 101.
The kerbside collection of black bags (refuse) is on Wednesdays.
Dog fouling continues to be an issue on the Snowden but can I remind everyone that cycling is not permitted on the Snowden Field – and cyclists have been spotted riding on the cricket pitch.
Both Green and Black bags need to be placed outside by 6 am on collection day.
I along with members and staff attended the Young
The new Garden Waste Bins collection days will be on Friday - 5th August, 19th August,
Evie Hemmings
2nd September, 16th September.
and 30th
Achievers Awards Presentation at South View
School recently. This was very well attended and it
Highly Commended
is a pleasure to recognize our young people for their
Roxy Acton Brooke Bale
Every incident should be reported to the police on
achievements and the majority of our young people
Harley Bale Anouk Bosma
101 as soon as possible.
are a credit to their school, parents and to the
Hannah Browne Riley Collins
Our new policing team is PCSO Sally Pusey,
supported by PCSO Colin Abbott and PCSO
Ellie Coupland Maisie Doyle
Your Parish Council Members
We have just distributed commemorative coins for Rachel Westonth
Naomi Newell and PC Paul Freeman. Sally can be contacted on 07939985765
the Queens 90 Birthday to all youngsters in the
Cathi Elphee – Chairman TheDaPavriidshRoifnfigcheainmH–alVl Sictree-eCt hisaoirpmenatno the public
13-18 years Winners
Parish of 11 years old and under.
1st Dilara Green
Progress is being made with the use of the Sports
2nd Brandon Edwards
from Monday to Friday from 9.30am until 11am.
Hall in Postland Road – watch this space.
Bryan Alcock, David Ancill,
3rd Lottie Hemmings
Personal visits are welcome. We can be contacted by telephone (24 hour ansaphone), by email or by
The Parish Council is very concerned at the condition of the Old School Building in Postland Road and we have made repeated requests as to its future with suggestions to bring it back into community use. We shall continue to do so as both the building and its grounds are in a disgraceful condition.
Michael Atkinson, Jon Boor, Reg Boot,
I hope you all have a great summer
community and feel that this could be achieved by
David Ringham Parish Council Chairman
becoming a Parish Councillor, please contact the
Dilara Greene
Closing date for applications is 22nd August 2016.
Crowland Parish Council
Applicants will be DBS checked. Highly Commended
Attractive remuneraAtionupgacukasgte. - SepteJomntybAberarha2m016 Maryah Hassan
Closing date for applications 15 August 2018
Emily Hickinbotham Luis Turner
Contacts and Editors
:Clerk: Brenda Stanojevic, Assistant Clerk: Di Halliwell, Parish Rooms, Hall Street Telephone 01733 210653 or e-mail
September at 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms, Hall
Peter Cooper, Philip Green,
Peter Haselgrove, Jennie Head,
There are currently two vacancies on Crowland
David Kempton, John Parnell,
Parish Council.
Geoff Quince & Annette Williams.
If you are keen to become involved with the
If you wish to contact the Parish Council or a
councillor please contact the Parish Council
office by phone or email:
Parish Council office for more information.
01733 210 653

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