Page 35 - Oct Mag
P. 35

                    We meet every Wednesday from 10:30am in the Hub [previously known as the Library] in order to sign in and
start the walk at 10:45am. The walks are less than 3 miles and take about an hour and there is usually an option of a shorter walk for those less able.
Why not join us? It’s healthy, it’s fun - and it’s free
When we return to the Hub there are light refreshments for just £1.
There is also a fortnightly Saturday Walk.
We meet at the school by 10:25 to car share. Just turn up, you’ll be made very welcome. Our walks are further afield and no more than 5 miles or so and we nearly always end up in a pub. It’s a great way to meet new folk and make friends
If you would like to join us you will be made very welcome. Just be at the school by 10:25 on the dates mentioned below. If you need transport; no problem; we’ll fit you in somewhere. All you need is a picnic lunch and suitable clothing, boots or shoes suited to the day. It can be very muddy across fields, even in the summer.
Our walks in October are from Exton on the 6th and from Stamford [Wothorpe] on the 20th.
On November 3rd we hope to walk from Hambleton
We might change the walk on the day if circumstances arise and go to Fineshade Woods, Ferry Meadows or Burghley Park. All have several lovely walks and refreshments.
Call any of the people below if you want to know more.
Babs 210 001 – Chris 212 645 - Gaye 01406 330 872 – Graham 01775 630 642 - Hazel 212 769 - Joy 210 721 – Linda 212 687 – Robert 210 282 -
Tom 211 408 - Yvonne 211 736
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Unlike the Scottish name for the sport of curling, We spell ‘New Age Kurling’ with a ‘K’
There is no ice to play on, there are no brooms and the ‘stones’ are very much lighter. It’s just fun with a bit of exercise thrown in. Why not join us. We are a friendly group in the 55 plus age group. It’s easy to play, with a pushing stick if needed, so anyone can have a go, even from a wheelchair.
And all it costs is £3 per session (inc. Refreshments)
We meet at the Methodist Church in Reform Street on a Tuesday afternoon from 2 – 4pm.
Just come along or call Chris 212645, Hazel 212769 or Linda 212687 for more information

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