Page 43 - Oct Mag
P. 43

       MAP (the Methodist Anglican Partnership)
MAP aims to serve the community of Crowland in various ways, which include:
The Explorers Group
On the second and third Wednesdays of the month at 7.30 p.m. in the Crowland Hub the explorers group meets to learn about the Christian faith. If you are an adult who is curious to learn what Christianity is about, just come along or contact Charles Brown (tel. 01733 211 763).
The Parents and Tots Group
Every Thursday morning during school terms there is a playgroup for toddlers and their parents or carers at Crowland Methodist Church. Sessions begin at 9.30 a.m. and go on until 11 a.m. Refreshments are
The Youth Group
On Friday evenings during school terms there is a group for young people in Years 5, 6, 7, and 8 at Crowland Methodist Church from 5.30 p.m. until 7 p.m. Young people who have not attended the group before must come to their first session with a parent so that their parent can fill in the necessary registration form for their child. The group activities feature a Bible story plus games, crafts, and refreshments.
Eva Holmes
The family would like to thank everyone who attended the funeral.
Thank you to all at A Coley & Son for their services and Monica for the beautiful flowers. Thanks also to Rev’d Annie Billson for the lovely service.
A total of £345 was generously donated and this has been split between Alzheimer’s Society and Marie Curie.
Free holiday lunch club
We’d like to announce a new community venture in Crowland run by Family Eats on Thursday 25th October at 11.30am at the Methodist Chapel, Reform Street.
Come and join us for some fun activities followed by a free two course freshly cooked hot meal.
Please note all children must be accompanied by a responsible adult but grown-ups will be fed too!
As numbers are limited please ensure your place by contacting us on, 07981 690481, or by messaging us on Facebook by 22nd October.
Alternatively get in touch for more information, we’d love to hear from you!
Lucy Adina Jessop [Thompson]
Always thinking of you Lucy, especially on your 22nd birthday on 5th October.
Love you always Nan X

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