Page 45 - Oct Mag
P. 45

7.45 a.m. Holy Communion
8 a.m. Morning Prayer (held in the ruined nave, or, if the weather is inclement, in the Abbey)
Wednesdays Sunday School
5 p.m. Holy Communion
Special Services
To arrange a baptism or wedding or to have Holy Communion brought to you at home, please contact the priest.
Asst. Priest Asst. Priest
The Revd. Charles Brown (tel. 01733 211 763) The Revd. Annie Billson (tel. 01733 211 648) The Revd. Mike Ongyerth (tel. 01733 211 776)
(Church of England)
Services in Crowland Abbey
11 a.m. Holy Communion (Sung)
5 p.m. Evening Prayer
On the Sundays that fall within school terms Sunday school is available for primary school children at the 11 a.m. Sunday service.
N.B. On Sunday, 7 October, there will be no 11a.m. service in the Abbey, as the Abbey congregation will be worshipping at Crowland Methodist Church at 10.30 a.m.
Special Service
Sunday, 7 October, 10.30 a.m. at Crowland Methodist Church – Harvest Festival
Harvest Supper
This will be on Monday, 8 October, at 7 p.m. at Crowland Methodist Church. For tickets, which are £8 per person, ring Margaret Smith (tel. 688 153).
For more information about what we do at Crowland Abbey visit our website:
Abbey Flower Festival Raffle
As usual the raffle was very popular, we raised £1284.80, a little less than last year, but we blamed the awful weather on Sunday which caused us to close early, but we all did our best.
A huge thank you to everyone who donated the lovely prizes (41) and to the folk who sold tickets for us.
Audrey and George

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