Page 46 - Oct Mag
P. 46

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What we have been doing and learning in July
As the weather has been extremely hot we have been talking about care in the sun, why we should apply sun cream and staying in the shade at certain times of the day. We’ve also been celebrating the world cup making flags and doing face painting.
It’s a very sad but an exciting time for us as we say goodbye to our children that will be moving on to their chosen school. Good luck to you all.
We had an amazing response to our cake stall again. Thank you to each and everyone for all your contribution's and everyone in the community for purchasing our lovely cakes.
Term Dates
Party and Thankyou
Term1- 4th September till 19th October
We are all looking forward to our end of year party with all our school leavers.
Term2- 30th October till 20th December
A big thank you to Jade, Lynn and Christine for donating a paddling pool for our children.
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