Page 7 - Millfield LSC Booklet
P. 7

FREQUENTLY    What support is given to students   Each department has an AEN
         with Maths difficulties?
                                            representative who attends half-termly
 ASKED   Lower Maths sets are assigned a Sixth   meetings with the SENCO for additional
 QUESTIONS  Form ‘study buddy’ to provide additional   guidance and training, and this forms a link
                                            between subject departments and the LSC.
         support to the class. The Maths
         department offers regular lunchtime GCSE   The teachers in the LSC are available to
         revision workshops.                give advice and guidance to all
                                            departments and are very well regarded
         Some students who attend LSC Study   within the school.
         Support lessons are withdrawn from their
         LSC lesson to receive weekly Maths study   How is information shared between
 How many students are in an LSC   support.  the LSC and parents?
 support class?                             There are termly subject and pastoral
 There are usually no more than eight   What experience do Millfield   reports to which LSC teachers
 students in a Study Support group, often   teachers have of working with   contribute.
 fewer. We aim to ensure that groups   students with specific learning
 contain students with similar difficulties   difficulties (SpLD)?  All students who take Study Support
 and following similar academic courses.  As a large mainstream school, working   lessons in Years 9, 10 and 11 also have a
         with a mainstream curriculum, it would   set of targets which are agreed following
 Can students have 1:1 help?  not be reasonable to expect all subject   baseline assessments in key literacy skills.
 Where small group support is insufficient   teachers to have specialist qualifications in   These targets feed into the scheme of
 to meet a student’s needs, we are   SpLD. However, teachers in the LSC have   work for each student and are reviewed
 sometimes able to offer 1:1 tuition with an   undergone additional training and/or have   throughout the academic year.
 experienced tutor. These sessions will   additional experience in supporting
 usually take place during private study   students with AEN and many undertake   Contact is also maintained between
 periods. There is an additional charge for   additional training throughout their   teachers, parents, group tutors and
 these sessions.  teaching career at Millfield.   housemasters/mistresses (HsM). At the
                                            beginning of the school year parents are
 How is prep managed for boarders?  All teachers new to Millfield receive   notified of the name and contact details of
 A quiet time is designated within the   specific training on working with students   their child’s Study Support teacher who
 boarding house in the evenings. If students   with AEN. Inclusive practice is a regular   can be contacted by telephone and email.
 need additional support, they are able to   Can students have exam access   feature of the Continuing Professional   The first point of contact is the Group
 attend our daily LSC lunchtime workshops.  arrangements (EAA) in internal and   Development (CPD) of all teaching staff.    Tutor or HsM who will share concerns with
 external exams?  Teaching at Millfield meets the criteria for   subject teachers, LSC staff and/or Head of
 Laptop computers and iPads can be linked   Students who meet the Joint Council for   the Council for the Registration of Schools   Year (HOY) as appropriate.
 to the school intranet whilst students are   Qualifications (JCQ) criteria for access   Teaching Dyslexic students (CReSTeD)
 in the boarding houses.  arrangements may be eligible for   Award.
 additional time, a reader, a scribe or the
 How do students feel about    use of a word-processor. These access   What links are there between the
 the LSC?  arrangements must be supported by an   LSC and academic departments?
 The high number of students who choose   up-to-date assessment and must also be   Information about the barriers to learning
 to use the LSC facilities to enhance their   supported by school-based evidence to   faced by individual students and how best
 own learning speaks for itself. Most   demonstrate the need.   to overcome these is detailed on the
 students who visit the LSC appreciate the   student profile. Teachers use this
 friendly and supportive environment.  information when planning reasonable
         adjustments for students in their teaching
         sets who are on the AEN register.
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