Page 4 - Millfield Prep - The Good Schools Guide Review 2022
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for him to join in year 7 but he loved Supporting children’s mental health
it so much when he visited that he and wellbeing, particularly in the
started a year early. Another parent aftermath of the pandemic, is the
said that once she visited the school school’s number one priority. The
she didn’t look at any others. prep launched its own wellbeing
curriculum in 2021 and children have
Millfield is famous for its SEN a 40-minute wellbeing class every
provision, notably specialist dyslexia week, with pursuits like meditation,
support. The learning development yoga, soul food and mindful walks and
centre, known as the LDC and talks. Each activity links to the school’s
staffed by four specialist teachers, values of ‘be kind, be you, be curious,
all of them Mental Health First Aid be challengers and be brilliant’. Who
trained, supports around 30 per cent could argue with that? The on-site
of the pupils for needs like dyslexia, chaplain has a wellbeing dog, a black
dyspraxia, dyscalculia, autism and Labrador called Sir Nigel, whom the
ADHD – mostly in small groups but children adore. Assembly three times
sometimes one-to-one. The LDC a week in the assembly hall, including
is bright and welcoming, with lots a regular celebration assembly where
of posters of famous dyslexics like pupils are rewarded for triumphs big
Richard Branson, Tom Cruise and and small, from doing the lighting for
Whoopi Goldberg. ‘Children like a school show to acts of kindness.
coming to the LDC,’ said the head of Parents told us that the prep excels
SEN. ‘There is no stigma attached.’ at boosting children’s self-esteem
“The teachers are very experienced and confidence. ‘I’m gobsmacked at
and very up-to-date with the latest the level of care and attention and
research,’ said a parent. ‘Everything is organisation,’ said a father. ‘Every
The prep launched tailored to the child.’ The school also school should inspire kids and Millfield
works closely with Made By Dyslexia,
Prep really does.’ High praise too for
its own wellbeing a charity founded by Kate Griggs, the way the senior school and prep
curriculum in a Millfield governor and former collaborate – Gavin Horgan ran the
Millfield pupil.
tuck van at the prep’s Bonfire Night
2021 and children THE PRE-PREP celebrations and invited prep pupils
with siblings at the senior school to
have a 40-minute Pre-school for children aged 2 to 4, lunch at his house so everyone could
reception, year 1 and year 2, is housed
catch up with each other. ‘We’ve
wellbeing class in a converted science block, safe found our forever school,’ said a
every week, with and secure and with its own outdoor parent, who moved to Somerset so her
child could be a day pupil at Millfield
space. They all do forest school once
pursuits like a week and when we visited children Prep. ‘It’s a very happy place.’
and staff were busy preparing for
meditation, yoga, Children in Need, eagerly anticipating Outside the classroom there’s
everything a young person could
fun, games, face painting and a Pudsey
soul food and treasure hunt. possibly want to do. As a year 7 girl
mindful walks. put it: ‘I cannot think of any other
place in the world where I would get
to ride my pony, take microscopic
photographs of cells, sing with the
choir and swim with one of the best
swimming clubs in the UK, while
enjoying free time in between lessons
to play with my friends who come
from different parts of the world, like
Spain, United States and Nigeria – all
in the same day.’
Few prep schools can boast that they
sent three ex-pupils – James Guy, Alec
Coombes and Rory Gibbs – to the
2020 Tokyo Olympics, but Millfield
can. The facilities, coaching and degree
to which timetables can be tweaked
for talented young prep pupils are
exceptional and many parents choose
it for precisely that reason. However,
everyone is encouraged to try a variety
of sports and represent the school
at something during their time here.