Page 27 - Creative Arts 2019
P. 27

Sweeney Todd

                                                                            titular Sweeney Todd as he reinvents himself   backstage in set design, stage management
                                                                            as a murderous barber in modern day London.   and hair and makeup, where they learned
                                                                            From lighting, stage design, dance, acting   their craft during a specific Millfield MAP
                                                                            or playing the soundtrack as part of the pit   programmes run by Meyer Theatre Manager,
                                                                            orchestra, almost 60 pupils were involved in the   Paul Siequien, and parent Laura Zaky. Members
                                                                            show in total.                              of the crew, including Barney French, Ollie
                                                                                                                        Leigh-Currill, Millie Roper, Sam Wardell and
                                                                            Due to the high level of talent at audition stage,   Ollie Whittingham were instrumental in helping
                                                                            the production team decided to ‘double-cast’,   co-ordinate set-changes so that the show ran
                                                                            meaning that the show’s nine lead characters   smoothly.
                                                                            were played by two sets of actors who took on
                                                                            roles in the chorus when it wasn’t their night   The music for the show was performed by a
                                                                            to perform. The lead of Sweeney was played   20-strong pit orchestra based below the stage,
                                                                            by both Upper Sixth pupil Seb Berkeley and   giving pupils the opportunity to learn what it
                               Millfield pupils from across Drama, Dance, Music   Lower Sixth pupil Rowan Wilson, while Upper   is like to play outside of a traditional concert
                               and Technical departments joined together to   Sixth pupil Florence Lunnon and Year 10 Esmé   hall. Sondheim’s score for this show is notably
                               present the school’s spring musical, Stephen   Ellis respectively took on the role of Mrs Lovett,   challenging, with changing time signatures and
                               Sondheim’s ‘Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber   Sweeney Todd’s would-be wife. Each pair has   difficult entries, meaning pupils (on stage and
                               of Fleet Street’, to an audience of family, friends   brought their own distinct performance style to   in the pit) had to follow Musical Director Kirsty
                               and members of the local community at        the role and helped one another prepare during   Barry’s conducting to maintain timing.
                               Millfield’s Meyer Theatre.                   the rehearsal process.
                                                                                                                        For many, the highlight of this production has
                               The production, which the pupils have been   Many pupils, including pupils from St Dunstan’s   been seeing audiences thrilled by the spectacle
                               rehearsing since September 2018, follows the   School in Glastonbury, were also involved   of the show itself.
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