Page 6 - Life and Style Programme Performance December 2016 - cedits ATI GAGA
P. 6

   Life And Style By Meritus - Singapore
   F&B Summary
                                                                                                     Atrium Lounge
   From 01-Dec-16 To 31-Dec-16
                    Total   Total       Total     Total       Total      Gross        F&B      Voucher         Net
                    Visits  Covers      Food   Beverage      Other     Revenue     Discount    Discount    Revenue
          Dec 2016
                       69     121         996      4,321       804        6,120       (878)       (650)       4,592
                       69     121         996      4,321       804        6,120       (878)       (650)       4,592

                    Total   Total       Total     Total       Total      Gross        F&B      Voucher         Net
                    Visits  Covers      Food   Beverage      Other     Revenue     Discount    Discount    Revenue
                        0       0           0         0          0           0           0           0           0
    Lunch              13      26         230       632        133         995        (189)       (100)         706
    Afternoon Tea      12      18         210       472        118         800        (146)        (50)         604
    Dinner             44      77         556      3,217       553        4,325       (543)       (500)       3,282
                       69     121         996      4,321       804        6,120       (878)       (650)       4,592

                            Avg **      Avg *     Avg *      Avg *  Avg Gross *       Avg F&B *  Avg Vcher *  Avg Net *
                           Covers       Food   Beverage      Other     Revenue     Discount    Discount    Revenue
    Breakfast                 0.00       0.00      0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
    Lunch                     2.00       8.85      24.31       5.12       38.27        7.27        7.27       27.16
    Afternoon Tea
                              1.50      11.67      26.22       6.55       44.44        8.09        2.78       33.58
                              1.75       7.21      41.78       7.18       56.17        7.06        6.49       42.62
                              1.75       8.23      35.71    (10.01)       28.19        7.26        5.37       37.95
                                    Food % of          Beverage % of       Vchr Discount % of      F&B Discount % of
                                Gross Revenue         Gross Revenue           Gross Revenue           Gross Revenue
    Breakfast                            0.00                  0.00                    0.00                    0.00
                                        23.11                 63.51                   10.05                   18.99
    Afternoon Tea
                                        26.25                 59.00                    6.25                   18.19
    Dinner                              12.84                 74.38                   11.56                   12.56
                                        16.27                 70.60                   10.62                   14.35

    *  Avg per cover
                                      Net Revenue                                  Visits Grouped by Weekday
    ** Avg per visit

                                                                     Sun=1                     Sat=7

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