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Restricting PI Access to Public Records - AFI-LLC Newsletter February 2020

                                          News from Around our Profession
                                          We are dedicated to sharing important news from clients, colleagues and friends about the
                                          news - good and bad - from and about our profession. Our thanks to all who help
                                          contribute. Feel free to email us with any news you have about you, your agency, your
                                          association, and others...

                                          Things They Didn't Tell You (About Starting a PI Business)
                                          (Kelly Riddle, TCI – KelMar Global of TX)
                                          With more than 35 years as a Private Investigator, Kelly E. Riddle provides in-sight
        for those wanting to become a PI and start their own business. Learn the answers to the questions you didn't know you
        should ask. This book is chalked full of real world lessons and information that will help you cut straight to creating your
        own PI business. Topics include:
            -What type of company or corporation should I create?
            -Do I have to charge sales tax?
            -Do I have to be licensed?
            -How do I handle employees and subcontractors?
            -Can I get audited?
            -What other hidden landmines should I know about?
        Why struggle to get your business up and running when you can rely on the experience of someone who has been in
        business for more than 30 years? This book is a road map for anyone serious about starting their own private
        investigation business!

        Kelly has been a friend and colleague, and mentor, for our entire career – over 30 years – and we look forward to
        learning more from his newest book! Kelly has authored 11 books directly, assisted with many others, and has developed
        several continuing education courses. Be on the lookout for book 12!
        -- order now at

        PI Answer Man Podcast: Document Review - A Look Into My Personal Process
        (Dennis Root, CCDI, BCFI – PI, Force Consultant and Expert Witness – Force Concepts of TN)
        Document review is something required of every professional investigator. However, no one seems to be talking about
        techniques for completing these reviews. The PI Answerman discusses the process he has developed and used
        throughout his career.
        -- listen now at

        Stop Competing and Start Collaborating
        (From our friends at Pursuit Magazine, and featuring our friend and colleague from southern Colorado - Sam Petitto of
        Petitto & Associates in Durango)

        Developing and maintaining good working relationships with those open-minded investigators helps us all grow our
        businesses. I now regularly divert certain types of work that aren’t right for me (e.g., conventional surveillance) to the
        investigators with whom I am allied. Sometimes I give the work away. Lately, though, I’ve started accepting finder’s fees
        from the investigators to whom I give jobs. When those same investigators work on serious criminal cases, which are my
        specialty, they know they can call me for help. Sometimes they will just refer the defense attorney to me for a direct
        hire. In return, I offer the PI a finder’s fee for sending me the attorney’s business.

        Sam shares wise wisdom here - as he does in both PPIAC and NALI - our colleagues are not our competitors, they are our
        assets. We are glad to have the same philosophy.
        -- continued at
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